23. Masquerade Ball

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Chapter 23 - Masquerade Ball

3 days after,

(Your Name) was walking to the classroom after a quick meeting was held, with the members of the Council.

She walked out ahead from the rest as she needed to go to the bathroom before returning back to the classroom.

And now, as she was out of the girl's restroom and walking back to the classroom, she encountered the only person she didn't want to meet.

Akashi Seijuurou.

(Your Name) resolved to just walk by him and totally ignoring him.

Just when she passed him, the boy opened his mouth.

Noticing that, the girl fasten her pace walking away from him. She quickly walked to her classroom and went straight to her desk.

Where she then found a piece of black rectangular card with gold metal embedding each corner of the card.

(Your Name) picked up the card. Since it's on her desk, it was most directly meant for her right.??

The infront of the card written in gold was, 'Invitation to the Grand Ball'.

"Would you go with me?" came a voice from just beside her. (Your Name) accidentally let go of the card. Making it fell to the ground.

(Your Name) was just about to open the card when she was startled by the person beside her.

The person chuckled lowly and picked up the card.

"Sorry for startling you (Your Name). Here." he said handing the card back.

"Kira, you almost stopped my heart." the girl pretended mad at him.

"Sorry (Your Name). Sooo, would you?" he asked the same question.

"I haven't read the card yet. Wait till I finished reading it kay?"


The girl opened the card. It says there that it's an invitation to the annual Matsume party. With the theme of Masquerade Ball this time.

"You're hosting a party?" (Your Name) asked.

"My dad is. We threw one every year. The real purpose was to celebrate our patients. Cheering them up. It's a great way psychologically.

Since there's too many department in the hospital, each year one department would be involved. This year was the paediatrics department."

"That's really great Kira." (Your Name) looked at the boy with admiration. She would always love the Matsumes way of dealing with the people surrounding them.

Kira embarrassly scratched the back of his head. A blush evidence on his cheeks.

"It's my dad's idea from the beginning. And we're required to come with a partner this year. Would you go with me (Your Name)." he asked with a red hue still visible on his cheeks.

"Of course I would go with you Kira. I'd be honoured to go with you." (Your Name) said. Smiling her beautiful smile to Kira.

"Thanks (Your Name). Should I picked you up at your place at 6?"

"6 sounds great." As soon as that left the girl's mouth, the next sensei walked into the room. Ending the two student's conversation.

"See you tonight Kira."

"See you tonight."

As they both went to their seats, (Your Name) noticed the red head sitting in his place. 'Finally reached the class huh Akashi?'

*On Hold*Broken-Hearted (Akashi SeijuuroxReader)Where stories live. Discover now