22. Like one isn't enough😒

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(A/N)Some correction I'd like to make in this story. In chap 1,  the bestfriend which I asked the reader to name, I think it'll be better for me to name her. Wouldn't wanna make any of your friend to betray ya right?hehe.. And it'll be easier that way.

Also, I'm sorry if anything that's typed in this chapter triggered anyone. Note that I don't mean any harm. Proceed with care lovelies.

Chapter 22 - Like one isn't enough😒

The three musketeers...(sorry I got caught in the moment😂...ehemm)

The three students made their way to the gym. Kotarō was happily striding without noticing the sad girl walking behind him.

"(Nickname)-chan, now than we're in the same club. You have to call me Kō-chan. Okay?" Kotarō happily asked. No, it sounded more like a request rather than a question.

That caught (Your Name)'s attention. She was actually planning on how she would reacted when she met Akashi. Oh God how she hated the kid.

"Huh?? What was that Kotarō-san?" she asked.

"It's not Kotarō-san anymore (Your Name)-chan, its Kō-chan." Kotarō grinned.

"Calling me Kotarō-san made me feel old when you used it." he pouted.

"Oh you.. Stopped acting like you're young. Just accept the fact that you are old. And please be more mature Kotarō-san." Layla said while smirking.

"Mou~~ Suzu-chan.. I'm not old. I'm just like you guys ya know. Age is just a number."

"Yeah.. And your number happened to be higher than us." Layla laughed at her own joke. Making (Your Name) chuckled silently.

Getting involved in their lover's spat was the last thing she wanted.

Because it always resulted to a non-stop pouting Layla and a more mischievous Kotarō.

She knew because she'd seen.

They soon reached the gym front door. Actually, there were several more building with the tag gym on it. The one they're standing in front of was the basketball gym.

The screeching of shoes and bouncing of the basketball can be heard from where they were at. Kotarō swiftly slide into the building with Layla following.

(Your Name) however just stood there. Silently collecting and bracing herself.

It might just be a feeling for getting caught in the moment.

or might just be because of her intuition,

but somehow,

she felt like after she walked through those door,

her life might change... forever.

And (Your Name) didn't have any idea of why she thought of that.

She walked through the door. Without her control, all the memories about basketball and Akashi flew inside her head. Like a series of flashbacks in her mind.

*flashbach to the time before (Your Name) and Akashi became a couple*

(Your Name) and Mika was walking down the path to the front gate. The school period was long over, but the two friends were making their time studying in the library.

The final exam was nearing and even though none of the two really need any intensive after class studying, they did it anyway.

In the truth, (Your Name) was finding a reason for her to be in the school ground longer as she didn't wish to go home early.

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