12. Incident at the Introduction Party

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Chapter 12 : Incident at the Introduction Party (His P.O.V)

At the party,

That night Akashi wore his tux. His usual black tux with red blood bow tie that complies well with his red hair and eyes.

He reached the hotel where the party will be held, a bit earlier than his usual timing. Somehow he felt like he needs to go to the party early. To save time as he thought. In his mind, he denied the real reason even when it is obvious he went early to meet her.

About half an hour before the party is scheduled to begin, the star of the party arrived. Being escorted by a man also in his tux. Wearing a matching colour as the girl next to her. That is red.

The appearance of the girl alone can make the whole ballroom gawked at her. She looked beautiful no, gorgeous even in the dress she was wearing. Giving the aura of maturity and softness of her attitude and style.

As they make their way to the front of the ballroom with her hand held tightly by the man. Everyone in the hall seem to be taken a liking to the couple with some of them not even hiding their admiration by 'aww'ing the couple.

Akashi, clearly not liking the attention given to the couple glared at the man with all his might as if hoping he can kill the man with his gaze.

(Your Name)'s parents were waiting for her at the front table where all the VVIP's will be seated including him and his father.

Soon as the couple reach the stage, this time (Your Name)'s parents are walking with them, they walk to the podium for the brief talk to introduce (Your Name).

When the (Surname) announced the news, most of the guests are shocked but there are several that remained theor calm demeanor as if they know about it already.

The guests mostly accept the news with open heart. They in fact praised the (Surname) for having such gorgeous child. As most of them already knew the real story about the disappearing of the (surname)'s only princess.

Akashi in his heart felt releaved as the crowd did not react badly tk the news. Somehow he felt as if he have to protect the girl.

After the introduction, (Your Name) goes around the ballroom with her parents and her escorter as she interact with all the important people in the room. Not a slightest awkwardness in her way of speaking.

Immediately capturing the heart of the people she spoke with. As they too showed their liking towards her. Some of them even asked if she and her escort are in a relationship, as if wanting her as their daughter-in-law.

How Akashi knew of all these thing happening to her?? Well, most probably because he watched or more like followed her steps throughout the time.

Finally realizing what he did. Akashi quickly took his gaze off of the girl and went to get himself another freeshment.

This time a girl in about his age approached him. Asking whether he wants accompany her to take a walk in the balcony outside.

Clearly Akashi turned down the offer. Quickly turning his face and ignoring the girl. It's not like he did not notice the gaze the girls were giving him. He just choose to ignore it.

While he was busy with beverages, he did suddenly got the hyme that something bad will happen and quickly turned his face to (Your Name).

And right at that moment, the biggest chandelier hanging on the middle of the ballroom ceiling fell down right on top of (Your Name).

Akashi's fast reflex made him ran to the girl but the distance between them was too big that he did not make it to the girl's side.

However, another body seem to act faster as it quickly pushed (Your Name)'s body.

Seems like Akashi forgot that (your Name)'s escort was by her side.

The chandelier thankfully went past by (Your Name) and her escort. But the effect of the scattered glasses served impacts not only to the couple but all the guests near the place the chandelier fall.

No severe injuries were found. But the scattered glass did caused light wound to the guests mostly to (Your Name).

As (Your Name) was facing the chandelier, the glass wounded her front part of the body mostly her exposed skins and a little to the face. But her escort being facing backward do not have any harm on him.

Everyone in the ballroom waa shocked as the sound after the chandelier hit the floor eerily crashed.

After that, everyone seems to wake and the environment become havoc.

(Your Name) passed out due to the shocking event while her parents quickly rush to her side.

"Somebody call the ambulance." said her escort as he laid her body on the floor and checked her injuries.

I make my way to them and quickly checked (Your Name)'s condition. All the cuts is not too deep. I took my handkerchief and placed it on the cut that produced the most blood.

The escort even though his demeanor looked calm, Akashi can tell how frantic his inside were.

He looked thoroughly for the cuts and also brought out his handkerchief to dab the bloods with it.

He looked at (Your Name)'s parents and said in a low voice.

"I'm terribly sorry for what happened to young miss master, mistress. I was supposed to be the one to look after her, but I let her get injured on my watch." he looked down as he apologized.

'The guard. So that's what he is. I was being jealous for no reason.' Wait... Jealous?? Me being jealous?? There is no possible way that I, Akashi Seijuurou can be jealous.

Akashi sna4pped out of his thought when he heard (Your Name)'s parents spoke.

"None of this is your fault Takashi. Now we better get (Your Name) to the hospital."

"Yes master." Takashi said as he finally looked me in the eyes.

"Thank you for your help Akashi-sama. But I got it from here."

I reluctantly let go but I know that my help is not needed from now that the ambulance will reach this place in exactly 3 minutes.

Takashi, as if also able to tell, carefully and slowly picked up (Your Name) bridal style and went straight to the door of the ballroom with (Surname) Rina-san by his side. Holding to her daughter's hand.

(Surname) Keiichi-san stayed behind to thank me before he too went to follow Takashi's trail.

Akashi, despite felling worried, decided to return to the Akashi's mansion. Maybe he could asked his personal assistant to check on (Your Name)'s condition.

He have to stay away from the girl. She is changing him again.


Okay.. I know the chapter sucks and Im sorry for that!!!!!

And the fact that I haven't update in along time sucks too!!

And not to mention the many spelling errors and grammatic error!!!

Hontounie gomenasai🙇🙇🙇

Forgive this newbie autor...


No of words:1199 words
Date: 30th Oct 2016,  10.48 p.m.

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