21. Giving in-at last

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For those who read this chapter before, im sorry...my finger slipped😅😅

Chapter 21 - Giving in-at last

That monday...

(Your Name) reached school earlier than she had ever reached it before. She promised Layla she would showed her around the school.

Even though her cousin attended the same school, the girl would preferred it much better if (Your Name) was the one to showed her around.

(Your Name) obviously didn't mind that.

After couples of minutes waiting, she saw Layla's car (yeah she bought a car-more like her parents did-the day she reached Japan) drove from around the corner.

The white Audi R8 stopped directly in front of her. (Your Name) smiled before she got into the car.

She gave direction to the parking lot specially reserved for the brown-haired girl. As also to other students who drove to school.

As they got out of the car, (Your Name) began her tour around the school for her friend.

Stopped as soon as the first bell rung. Layla will be in the same class as (Your Name). A special request from Layla's parents to the principal.

They reached the classroom and luckily the homeroom teacher was there. So (Your Name) told her about Layla and slipped into the classroom after she wished Layla good luck.

The rest of the periods went by smoothly. And all in all, (Your Name) had fun for that day.

Most probably because of the fact that two of her most favourite person was in that school. One of them was Layla and the other was Kira.

(Your Name) introduced Kira to Layla and even though Kira was skeptical about it at first, they soon clicked after Layla talked to him. They were not as closed as when (Your Name) was with him though.

Kira told (Your Name) how Layla was just like her. But they're still different in his eyes. (Your Name) just smiled. Even though she did not understand what his last word meant.

After they bid their good byes, Layla and (Your Name) went to continue their tour around the school.

It stopped again but this time when they heard someone calling for them.

It was Kotarō-san. And he was running towards them. All prepped in his basketball practice outfit.

"(Your Name)-chan. What are you doing in school at this time?" he must've known about the cancelling of the student council meeting from Akashi then, (Your Name) thought to herself.

And they agreed on the first name basis when they introduced themselves on Sunday.

(Your Name) was just about to answer that when Layla got to it first.

"I was here too ya know." Layla said to Kotarō while hitting Kotaro's left arm jokingly.

"What was that?? Ooh.. Suzu-chan was here too? When did ya arrive?" he wandered his head left and right as if looking for the poor girl.

Kitayama Suzuka was Layla Johnson's Japanese name.

"I was here all along..!!" she half-screamed to the boy.

"Really now?? How come I didn't see you just now? Maybe it's because you're soo short." Kotarō laughed loudly.

Layla continuously hit the poor boy. Hoping it could ceased his laughter. But to no avail, it failed miserably as it went louder.

"I.am.not.short!! You're just too tall!" Layla said as she huffed her breath and pouted her lips. Finally giving up on hitting the boy as it served no purpose now.

"Yeah you are~~ You're even shorter than our kawaii (Nickname)-chan here." Kotarō said as he nudged the silent girl beside him

"Woow..woow. Leave me out of your lovers spat please." (Your Name) raised both of her hands as she said that. (Your Name) called those two, lovers, because that was what those two looked like. Even though in real they're cousins.

"Huhh.. Who ever wants to be with this tall blondie?" Layla said as she crossed her arms.

"And who ever wants to be with a girl as short as you?"

"Leave her alone now. Short girls are the cutest you know?" (Your Name) semi-laughed and semi-talked at the same time as she pulled the pouting girl into her hug.

"For the last time... I am not short." Layla dropped her shoulder. As if admitting her lose. While the two beside her just laughed.

"You know I love ya right, Lala." (Your Name) said calling the girl with her nickname. She quickly hugged the girl one more time.

"I know..~ It's you that I hate." Layla returned the hug as she smiled happily before pointing to Kotarō.

Kotarō seemed like he wanted to said something in return but suddenly remembered something.

"Ooh yeahh. I was supposed to look for a substitute manager for our basketball club. I was in my way to the teacher's lounge. Buutttt...since I ran into you guys. I forgot." Kotarō explained to us but it seemed more like he was talking to himself.

"Heyy. Don't go blaming us now. We're innocent. You're the one who interrupted our school tour." Layla said.

"Ooh..yeah. Hey, do you want to be our manager substitute? We need to have one before the next game. School policies." Kotarō asked (Your Name). He rolled his eyes as he said the last words.

"Urmm.. I don't know. I am a bit busy with the Student Council and all." (Your Name) hesitated. Being in the same club as Akashi?! No thanks to that.!

"Pleaseeee (Your Name)-chan. It's only for the next couple of weeks. And the game is like in a few days only." Kotarō blinked his eyes repeatedly. Showing his puppy eyes to (Your Name).

Layla who had been watching decided to butt in. She definitely knew why the girl hesitated. The red head was in the team. But (Your Name) couldn't take being in the puppy eyes power even to save her her life. She'd gave in surely.

"How about I be your substitute manager. And (Your Name) can just help me for the things I don't know. Like an assistant manager." Layla said to Kotarō.

This time, its (Your Name)'s turn to give Layla the puppy eyes. As if telling her she don't want to get involved with the basketball team.

"You'll only be there when I need you. I promise." Layla tried to sooth (Your Name)'s feeling.

"Ok.. That'll do. Lets go meet the team then." Kotarō happily walked to the direction to the gym without waiting for the girl's amswer. While the two girls followed behind him.

More like Layla's walking and (Your Name) was dragging her legs there.


Finish chapter 21🎉

Please correct me for any errors in the story. Onegaishimasu🙇

1120 words
10March2017; 11.10p.m.

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