19. Bestie from the States

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Chapter 19 - Bestie from the States

That saturday, (Your Name) went to the airport. She promised one of her best friend in America that she would picked her up as soon as she touched down.

She waited in the waiting area for the arrival with Takashi on her side.

As soon as she saw a long mob of brown-colored hair walking out of the arrival gate, she sprinted to the girl.

Leaving the girl dumbfounded as she was looking around for (Your Name) when she got out of the gate.

They exchanged a couple of hugs, kisses and squeals. Definitely not minding the looks they received from the other people there.

The brown haired girl, fondly known as Layla Johnson. The youngest out of two. With her big brother as the eldest. Running their family's company beside their father's side.

Layla was one of (Your Name)'s best friend along with Tatsuya. The three of them was inseparable in America. They were always together through out everything.

The girl knew almost everything that happened to (Your Name) and had been by (Your Name)'s side for every problems.

This was infact the first time Lalya go to Japan on her own. Not like it was uncommon for the girls. As they always spent their summer breaks travelling to another's land.

Usually Tatsuya did not go with them as he was always busy with basketball training. So it usually just the two girls.

And as they were separated, Layla never goes travelling outside America on her own anymore.

The main reason for her arrival to Japan was to discuss the cooperation of the Johnson's and the (Surname)'s.

But not according to Layla. She had been missing her two best friend that left her for Japan.

Tatsuya cannot make it to the airport because his basketball team has intensive training session for their upcoming game is what Tatsuya told (Your Name) and Layla.

So they decided to pay their raven-haired friend a visit at his school. Yosen High.

As they were walking to the limo, the two girls catched up with each other.

"So (Your Name), you didn't mentioned anything about having a boyfriend when we chat. And a HOT boyfriend if I may say." Layla said as she chuckled and looked at Takashi.

Takashi who had been listening smiled at that. He definitely understood everything Layla said. The boy was a top scorer himself in his school.

"Hurmm.. Maybe because I haven't got myself a boyfriend yet. He's my friend. Takashi, introduce yourself."

"(Your Name) was just being nice. Nice to meet you, you can call me Takashi. I am the (Surname)'s butler." Takashi smiled his handsome smile as bow his head to Layla.

The said girl blushed as she returned the bow. One for the fact that the guy just looked more smoking when he smiled and also for the fact that the handsome man understood her saying just now.

They asked Shima-san to sent them straight to Yosen High.

"Thank goodness you did not get any boyfriend (Your Name). Or my ship would be ruined. I definitely sure that boys are still chasing after you even in Japan." Layla said.

She always shipped (Your Name) and Tatsuya. The boy was too shy to confest his love for his own good and it frustrated Layla soo very much.

"No there is not. There are no one chasing after me okay." (Your Name) said as she jokingly rolled her eyes.

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