2. A New Me

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Chapter 2: A new me

Italic is in English

3 years later,

(Your Name) walks confidently out of the arrival gate. Breathing the air of Japan after a few years being away from the said country. She takes off her sunglasses and walk straight to collect her luggage. (Your Name) smile lightly as she walks. Practically happy that she is now back in her birth country. She did not even notice the looks people around her is giving her -at first-.

With her waist-long red-brownish hair (sorry that I have to keep your hair like this-for the mean time maybe) which is her natural hair colour made she looks like a real foreigner. Also having a nice body shape and a pretty face also serve as the reasons of being admired by bypassers. All the girls are looking at her with the look of envy as they want to be her while the guys just feel lucky just by standing next to her.

(Your Name) who was used to all the staring and gaping at her look just keep on walking and maintaining the small smile she gave to all the people she passed. Somehow her body starts to develop when she was in the States. She is no longer the 16 years old girl when she was in Japan before. Her hair lengthened and her body start changing to the 'ideal shape' according to her foster parents. Credits to her foster parents in America that keep 'persuading' her to make exercising as her new found hobby.

(Your Name) was happy with how she looks before though. It's not like looks matter most to her. Nothing is like the inside beauty of a person as it defines who you are.

After the break-up with Akashi (that's what you calls him now), (Your Name) became more confident in herself and she starts to look at everything on the bright side. Keeping her positive attitude always on the top of her list. Even when she still cannot forget what he did to her.

Thinking about Akashi when she just touched down is really making her stomach grumble. Not with excitement, but with uneasiness. She do not want to encounter the red head anytime soon, or maybe ever. She tried to forgive and forget about what he did. But still do not manage to do both. A part of her have forgiven him but not forgetting his faulty and another part of her just keep telling her that she should murder both creature.

Maybe she is not that positive anyway. Well... But at least she tried.

(Your Name) sigh contently as she reach the waiting area. She brings out her phone to call her best friend- not the traitor best friend- that have promise to pick her up at the airport only to be surprised by a tapping on her shoulder. She looks back to find her best friend from America grinning at her. (no... it's not Kagami)

"Tatsuya!!" (Your Name) exclaim and she jump forward to give Himuro a hug. The normal way of greeting in America that she still cannot get used of except for her family and Tatsuya.

(Your Name) really miss her tall friend (you really need to meet AtsushiXD). He's the person she is most comfortable with when in America. Between her friend though. He was always with her. Exercising together and learning everything together. She even learn to cook from him. Part of the reason why she did that is because she saw herself in Himuro. Always alone in the first place.

They were the bestest friend in America. Inseparable. That is until he left America to go to Japan. They were separated by body but not in mind. They keep on communicating with each other every single day. Talking about their day and their friends.

Most of their friend even point out their habits as a 'couplely' thing to do. They were even known as 'a thing' back at school. Which did not matter to them anyway -one of them actually-.

After the long and tight hug, they let go of each other with Tatsuya's hands keep still on the girl's waist.

"How have you been (Your Nickname)?" Tatsuya asked in English.

"Great... just missing you like always." (Your Name) smiles gently to her friend that bought slight blush on his cheeks.

"Gr...Great. Why don't we head to a restaurant or something and grab something to eat?" Tatsuya mumbled slowly. Turning his head to hide the now obvious blush. (Soooorrryyy he's a bit OOC here)

"Ok. But we're not going to any restaurant though. Let's grab some fast food. I'm craving for it you know." (Your Name) said as she hangs on Tatsuya's arm.

"Hahaa... ok fine. But if your parents call me and ask whether you're eating healthy here rather than in America, I'm not gonna lie to them." Tatsuya said sheepishly. Vaguely remember the healthy food you were always forced to eat back with your foster parents.

"Awww... I thought you're my friend. Not theirs." (Your Name) pouts slightly and obviously joking. (Because you don't pout. You're only doing it when you're with Tatsuya)

"Hey... I'm always on their good side." Tatsuya nudge you a little.

"Ok...ok. Let's just go stuff our face ne?" (Your Name) pulls Tatsuya along with her to the nearest fast food place.

No of words: 880


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