14 . Company's Heiress

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Chapter 14- Company Heiress

*Time skippu to a week later** (I start a chapter with a time skip😱😱😂)

The day after (Your Name) was discharged from the hospital, she went to her family's company along with her parents.

They had been closer to each other after the incident-or more like after Takashi told (Your Name) more about her parents.

(Your Name) was introduced, this time to the workers of the main company. The Head Quarter.

Her father told her his intention of giving the company to the girl after she had finished all her studies.

Telling her the history behind the formation of the company where (Your Name)'s grandfather struggled hard to make the company stood tall among all the other competitors.

In a way, (Your Name) felt the urge to kept the business successful just like it were today. Hearing her father's stories made her felt that. Well, she thought it would make anyone felt responsibility.

Grandfather built the company from by using all his life saving for a small building and used grandmother's money for the first project. He gained trust from more people when the first project proved to be the most successful project. Which them lead them to having many more project.

But on the other side, (Your Name) still cannot fully accept the fact that she was a heiress of a large company. Everything seemed surreal.

That morning, (Your Name) was also taught a little bit about how to run the company. The whole day, she was at the company, doing her best learning about the company and to run the company.

She even went with her parents when they have  meetings with the workers or even with the partners.

She saw how happy her parents were when they introduced her. Which frankly made her happy.

Her mother is more readable and easy to understand. She frequently showed how she felt and was not afraid to voice anything she like or did not like. Even to a partner.

While her father was the opposite of that. He was an unreadable man. He rarely showed his expression to anything. But he was still loud and firm about his decisions. When he did not like any idea, he was not afraid to express it to other people. But deep down, (Your Name) knew that her father has a soft spot towards the women in his life. He treated mother kindly. And eventhough he rarely showed (Your Name) his feelings, somehow the girl can know what he felt and what he wanted to tell her.

Being with her parents for the whole dau taught her many things about them. The good things about them. And knowing that, she now can also showed them her true and real feeling.

That was not the end of it. Basically through the whole school break, (Your Name) spent her time with her parents at the company.

Getting herself used to being an heiress to the company was a lot of work. But the people around her was kind and patient enough to teach her all that she needed to know.

Deep down making (Your Name) thankful to have such helpful people around her.

Her father, despite his coldness, really treasure the workors in all of their company branch.

To him, as he told (Your Name), he would not have succeed if not by the helps of the people around him. May it be family or workers.

He told (Your Name) on how no matter how high you reach, you should not forget the people that help you.

(Your Name) also observed how his father treated the workers. Yes, he was a strict and uptight employer. However, never once did he sound his employee if they did not make any mistake. And the constant praises he gave them when they did their job greatly.

Looking at how the employee also respected his father made (Your Name) looked up more to him. And silently wished that she can be just like him.

(Your Name) spent her break on the company. And never once did her mind drifted to think about her school problem.

Which may be her biggest problem in the coming time. As she will go to the same school as the red-head.

Yeahhhh.... I finished the chapter where she learned about the company. It's a bit of a boring chapter since no boys is included here, no romance here!!!(nudge-nudge)😂😂

Next chapter will be on TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!!

YAY!!! Finally... Some Akashi-sama scene!!😆😆

As alwaysss... Sorry for all the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.

I typed this using my phone.... Sooooooo... I cannot check the spelling and grammars😞

Tho I'll still update using phone tho.. Cus it's more easier.😝😝

Okay guys... Sooooo.............

Comment and vote pleaseee🙆🙆

Love you guys💟

No or words : 818 words (WOW!! Soo sikit compared to my other update)
Date : 12 Nov 2016, 11.05 a.m.

P/s: Sikit is a malay word meaning a little. I know it didn't sound well in that context, but it does in malay... Soo, mehhh..haha😂

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