13. Hospital Patient & Nameless Flowers??

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Chapter 13 : Hospital Patient and Nameless Flowers??🌷


(Your Name) woke up with a terrible headache. Opening her eyes to find that the whiteness of the ceiling above her to appear odd. With her head feeling heavy, she tried to lift it for better observe of the room she's currently occupying but did not manage to do it due to the severe headache she was having.

Only resulting to grunts forming from her troath from the painfulness.

Realising her movement made another present in the room to react.

"(Your Name) dear.. You're awake. Thank goodness..." she held her hand tight.

(Your Name) turned her head slightly. A beautiful woman came to her view. With her not aging face. (Surname) Rina. Her mother.

Yes.. Now she can called the woman before her as her mother. After the story Takashi told her, she can finally accept everything now.

"Okaa-san..?" she voiced slowly.

The woman clearly looked shocked. Her face resemble her feeling. Sad..? No.. It's touched. She's touched. And relieved.

"Yes dear." she said holding her tears back.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital. Don't you remember what happened dear?"

And after those words. She does. All of the incidents came back to her memory.

"Aah.. Yes. The chandelier.." she stated relieved but then her face scrunched. Realisation hit her.

"Takashi!! Is he okay?? What about the guests? Is everyone okay??"

Her face turned to a shocked expression again. 'How can she think about other people with her condition?'

"Don't worry too much about them (Your Name). They were fine.. We make sure to have everyone undergoes a checkup. Now just focus on getting yourself better." she slowly stroked her hair.

"Alright then okaa-san. I will.. But where is otou-san?" (Your Name)said as she also relaxed under the woman's touch.

"He has been sleeping on the couch since yesterday. We were both worry about you that we cannot leave you behind."

"I'm sorry to be such a burden to you both. I promise i'll take better care of myself in the future."

"There is nothing that you should feel guilty about (Your Name). None of what happened was your fault. We were grateful enough that you were not harmed. Just a little shocked due to the incident. So, you shouldn't put the blame on yourself for what happened okay..?" Rina soothed her only daughter.

"Okay.. I will." (Your Name) said still feeling quite down.

"Soo.. What were you dreaming about dear? You were smiling a lot in your sleep."

"I did?? Ohh.. I dreamed about being in a garden full of flowers. And the scents was soothing. It was great." (Your Name) said. She didn't realise how she sounded quite childish with her voice while her expression appeared cute to her mother.

Rina chuckled to her daughter's antic.

"Look around yourself dear. You ARE in a garden full of flowers."

And for the first time did she realize her surrounding. Bouquets of flowers are everywhere in the room. From the smallest to the tallest. And also variety of fruit basket. Full with colourful, different kinds of fruits that looked both devining and beautiful.

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