7. His' P.O.V

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Chapter 7: His' P.O.V

A red-haired man walks confidently entering his office located at the highest floor in the middle of Kyoto. Passing by all his workers that looked at him with terrified faces. Most of them lower their gaze when the man called emperor lays his hetero-chromatic eyes on them. Fearing if their gaze make the man angry as he is by far the scariest person most of the officers have ever met even though all of them know and acknowledge the fact that the man is much younger than them. After the man pass by their table, all the officers let out a sigh of relieve.

This is how their morning begin if the young CEO steps his feet inside the building which is fortunately not everyday as the young man also have school to attend.

Once the man had seated on his comfortable chair, his secretary,  come inside the room after knocking and given permission from him. 

"Good morning Akashi-san. Today your schedule starts with meeting with the board of directors at 10 this morning. You have online conference with our investor from China and also from Australia. The  conference is at 3.30 and 5.15 in the afternoon respectively. You will also be having dinner meeting with our client from London. Your father will also be joining the meeting this evening and will be having an after meeting with you."

"Save all the information on my iPad and give me an early reminder about my father before the meeting." 

"Yes sir. Anything else?"

"No. That is all. You can go now  Yoshida." Said Akashi to his secretary.

After his secretary leaves his room, Akashi straight away opens his laptop. Going through the market price of his company and their competitors. (Sorry if this is wrong. I do not know much about business and companies.😔)

That is until he hears commotion coming from outside of his office. Before his secretary with a worried face rushes in with a woman wearing a tight, sexy outfit you'd only see in the club. (OMG!! if you're a malay and often read malay novel you'd know that this scene is sooooo popular in malay novel.-and probably other language's novel- Almost every malay novel I've read have this scene in it.😂😂)

"I am so sorry sir. I tried to stop her from coming in." Yoshida explained. Feeling her heartbeat raise at the CEO's cold gaze.

"You can go out first Yoshida."

After the brown-haired woman walked out feeling thankful with every single fiber in her body that she did not get scolded, the unwelcome woman smiles smugly and walks to the red head.

"I miss you so much Sei-kun." She said alluringly while taking her seat at the arm of the chair that is seated by the red head.

"What are you doing here? You should be in class now." Said Akashi while typing his work on the laptop.

"Mou.. Sei-kun, I came because I miss you very much. Also, you should tell your workers to treat me better. I might be their CEO's wife you know." 

Akashi keeps his sigh inside. Feeling irritated with whatever that the fake blond-haired woman said as he keep his eyes on the screen of his laptop.

The blond woman, named Miyuki Risa glared at Akashi for ignoring her. She proceed to hug Akashi's arm before landing her head on his arm.

"Daddy said that we will be having a dinner meeting tonight. I can't wait to hear what he will say. Maybe daddy wants to discuss about our engagement party and also our wedding."

Akashi just keep his silence. Planning the event for that evening where he will be 'spending' with the blond. Knowing more about what is going to be said later.

"You still want to give me the silent treatment huh.. That's okay. I'll just meet you tonight then my future husband. I'll be wearing something special and extra beautiful just for the  discussion of our engagement party later." the woman said while smirking.

"I'll see you later then Sei-kun." she said while walking out of the room. Swaying her hips hoping to get the attention of the man. But to no avail, he only spared her a glance.

Akashi heave a sigh of relieved once the woman is out of his office. The image of a different woman plays on his mind. He only spare that woman one glance when he accidently set his eyes on her, but the image still keep on repeating that moment.

'She has grown out of her shy shell and she looks different from when we were together.' He thought as his mind remember the details about that woman. Also the company she had with her.

He closes his eyes to get a clearer image of the woman.

Once he open his eyes back, his gaze soften. He sits there for a few more minutes before he gets up to attend to the board-of-directors meeting.

*Time Skip cuz i don't want to talk business any longer*

That evening after changing his suit to a more appropiate suit, he walks into the luxurious hotel after his driver stops the car.

Entering the private dining hall, he sits himself on the chair that some of it is already occupied with the present party.

Miyuki smiles happily looking at him. Failing to notice the anxious face her father beside her is making.

'If only you know Miyuki.' is the things that is on Akashi's thought as he holds the smirk that wants to come out. Keeping his poker face all the time.

After a few seconds, his father enters the room and seated himself beside him.

"I think you have acknowledge the reason for our meeting this evening  Miyuki-san. Your stock in the market is dropping drastically since you change the person in charge of your project in Dubai. Our meeting tonight is to dissolve the partnership of our companies but the real reason is so you know that I will be canceling the engagement and also the marriage of both our children."

Miyuki Risa who was smiling just now is now frowing as she heard the worda coming out of the older Akashi's mouth. Akashi finally let out his smirk. This time looking at Miyuki as if she was a despicable thing. (Older Akashi will be directed to Seijuuro's father and Seijuuro himself will be called Akashi)

"I believe this will be the end of our business friendship and as according to the agreement, we are never to be a partner again after this dissolvement." The older Akashi stated as he then stands up to exits himself out of the room. Seemingly rushing as if the meeting itself is a waste of his own precious time.

"And I don't think I wouldn want to marry a woman who thinks that chasing after a guy is much more important than handdling her own family business." Akashi smirks before walking out of the room following his father.

Miyuki tried to get up to chase after Akashi but is restrained by the hand of his father.

"We cannot go against them when we do not have anything as our shield. Our shield is already broken, we can't face them when we are at our weakest form." said the man.

*Back to Akashi and his father*

"As you know, you will no longer be betrothed to Miyuki Risa. From now on, cut every ties you have with her. Tomorrow I will be meeting our new business partner. You will not be joining this meeting but in the future, you have to involve yourself." the older Akashi said as he keeps on walking out of the building to catch his flight to London.

"Yes father." was the only answer from Akashi as he follows his father's step before the two Akashi separates their way into their own car. Heading to a different location.

As Akashi is finally alone in his car heading to the Akashi mansion, he stares out the window while his head keep on remembering the same woman. "(Your Name)..." He mutters slowly.

Yay!!! That's the update for this week.. As usual, sorry im late. I have a line-up of test that if I told you guys about it, then it will came out as an excuse. Sorry for any spelling error and grammar and all other wording errors in this chapter and the others as I wrote this on my phone cuz it's easier for me.

I know there's a lot of confussion in this update, but trust me, as the story goes on... Everthing will be revealed..*cue smoke machine*😂😂

No of words: 1408 words
Date: 4Sept2016, 9.00p.m.

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