10. Two can play this game, Akashi-san

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Chapter 10: Two can play this game, Akashi-san

Akashi's P.O.V

After the introduction, the (Surname)'s and my father start talking about their business with the occational I and (Your Name) being brought into the topic. After a while the waiter come to take our order.

(Your Name) takes her time to look through the menu. She orders Asian Salad Wonton Bites as appetizer, Lime Grilled Chicken Ceaser Salad as main, Lemon Cake as dessert and also a glass of Limeade with Mint. (sorry if it's not to your liking, just pick any three course meal menu that you prefer.. Im craving lemony things and salad now.😋😋 )

After I finished ordering, our parents start discussing about the business seriously with (Your Name) listening silently to their conversation. I keeps my serious face while I listen to them. But in the corner of my eyes I keeps on glancing to her way. And she never once turning her face to my direction.

The foods arrive and we stops the business talk and suddenly the talk revolves around I and (Your Name).

"You go to school in America for a couple of years now. What do you think about the school there compared to here?" Akashi Madaomi ask. (Am I the only one who feels like it sounds like an interviewer's question? Mehh..)

"The school there was great. Yes the system and the way we interact with each other is different from Japan. But it is different in a good way. The in school learning time is basically the same just different by an hour or two. The curriculum is also quite same.(this is what I found on internet.. Sorry if its wrong guys) But if you ask me to choose between one of them, I wouldn't be able to. Both place holds a special place in my heart." (Your Name) said while smiling softly throughout the time. Like she's reminiscing the place.

"It's great that you are back in Japan then. I've heard of your performance in junior high and in America and it really is impressive."

"Thank you Akashi-san. I will try to do my best." (Your Name) said respectfully.Her voive filled with confidence.

"So, Akashi-kun. I heard that you go to the same junior high as our daughter. Have you two met before?" (Surname) Rina asked.

I can see (Your Name) opens her mouth ready to answer but I quickly interupt.

"I know her just by name. As she was one of the top scorer, she was well-known throughout the whole school." I said and from the look on her face, I can know that that was not what she was expecting.

(Your Name) look at me like she is contemplating what she wants to do. After a while, she turn her face to face both my father and her parents and smile at them. Not saying anything else.

"Akashi-san was also one of the top scorer. He was always the first on the leader board. You must to be having a smart son like him Akashi-sama." She said directly to my father.

'He smile at her. Wait, he's smiling at her?'

"You can just call me Masaomi-san. That would be much easier." Father said without commenting on me.

'This is the first time father agrees on a first name basis with our partner. And that smile, it somehow looks genuine.'

After the shock waves that washed over me, I goes back to my compose self and back to eating. Not noticing her eyes that are on me for the first time on her own will for that night.

(Your P.O.V)

I watch as he finally focuses on his food that night. It might be a long time since we met each other, but he does not change much.

The arrogance in his way of speaking. The way he looks at people like they are lower than him. And the way how he thinks that he is always right. He might be covering his action tonight. Sugar-coating it to look more real, but I somehow still manage to see beneath him.

'This guy, the one that lied to me before, want me to lie like he did to our parents? Seriously.. What is wrong with him?'

I didn't lie. But I also did not say anything. That is what bothering me right now. The thought that this might come back and eat me scares me.

But in the end, I still kept quiet. Lets look at how you will handle this problem if it comes back to you Akashi.

(Your Name) thinks to herself as she continue finishing her meal.

(Akashi Masaomi's P.O.V)

A small smile made its way to my face again as I looks at the (Surname)'s only daughter. She reminds me of my wife.

After years of Shiori's death, I never since then said her name as that would remind me of her. Yet this child, just the way she talk reminds me of her. The woman who I truly cares for. The woman whom I love so much. The woman who was once my everything. The cause of my smile.

I then looks at my son. He is becoming who I can be proud of. The one that I can brag about to my rivals. The one who will rule the empire I am having now. He is becoming like me..like how I am becoming my late father...

Just being with this girl makes me think of all these. All the thinking that I don't even dare to think of after Shiori's death.

My son... Is he struggling like how I was when I was with my father.

This girl... I would love it if she can enter our family as Seijuurou's wife. She would make a great wife. Like how Shiori did to me. If she can withstand the pressure being with an Akashi, the she will be the perfect candidate to bring other Akashis to this world.

Akashi Masaomi thinks to himself. Silently arranging his plan in his mind. Smiling softly after that.

"(Surname)-san, I would like to suggest for your daughter to enrol to Rakuzan Highschool with my son. She is still new to the highschool around here. My son can help her fit in with the students as he is also the Student Council President of Rakuzan."

Game is on!!! With Masaomi now wanting you as his daughter-in-law. Lets look at what he got in his mind later.. For now, I have to studyyy😩😩

Sooo... See you guys when I see you..??

No of words: 1009 words
Date: 30th Sept 2016,  11.10 a.m. Malaysia time😬

And as usualll, sorry for any grammatical and spelling error guys. Love you guys. Comment and vote kay😉

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