Chapter one: BrokenHearted

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What can I say, my name's Maura and I'm in love with a duo, the daring-est duo to be exact. People say I'm obsessed, but it's more than that. I live for Amy and Nick. Yup, that pretty much sums up my life.


'Use to be a baby, use to be a lady, thought you were the perfect lover!!' Front row, sold out show. I'm so proud of my babies! Amy's singing to me and I can't help but cry my eyes out. Nick's rocking out on the piano while Zak plays guitar. Amy holds out her hand to grab mine and......

~End of dream~

DING! DING! DING! Dammit my alarm clock. I reach to my right and turn it off. "Great, another horrible day in prison aka school" I think to myself. Well, on the bright side I get to see my best friend Alyssa; that's the only good part. I finally manage to pull myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I plug in my straightener and let down my dark brown, long hair. While it's heating up, I put on the right makeup to compliment my icy blue eyes. It takes a good hour to straighten my hair. After, I walk back to my room and slip on my Namy shirt, black jeans, a sparkly silver necklace, and some bracelets. I make my way downstairs to grab my backpack and start the long twenty minute walk to school.

As Im walking, in the distance I see a group of people looking my way. I guess it's no big deal, they're only people, right? Anyways, as they come closer into view I realize who it is. It's Melissa's group. I try to keep walking faster so they don't notice me. Just when I thought I was in the clear I hear, "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Melissa says in her stuck up voice. I reply with, "I..I..I'm going to school." "You're not going anywhere dumb ass" and she pushed me to the ground. Her and five other people started kicking me as I'm trying to fight back tears. "Bitch you deserved it" said Natalie and they all walked away. I make a run for school even if it is a stupid place to go. As I'm running, I accidentally bump into Alyssa.

*Alyssa's POV*

I could hear someone's footsteps behind me, not having a clue who it is. I turn around and realize it's Maura running as fast as lightning. I could see the pain and sadness in her eyes. She looked lost. "Maura, are you okay? What happened?" She responded, "Nothing, it's all good. Why, do I look funny?" "No of coarse you don't! You look beautiful as always." I mean there's no doubt about it; one of the prettiest girls in school. Blue eyes, long, wavy, brown hair, and she's so small. I'm pretty sure it's really unhealthy to be that skinny. The bell for first period just went off. I hug Maura, wish her good luck, and walk into the school I attend; Seabook Middle School.

*Maura's POV*

As I'm walking though the halls I always wonder what people think about me when they stare, point, and laugh. The least they could do is say their comments to my face. "Keep walking. Avoid everyone and you'll be fine" I think to myself. I finally get to my locker and look at my schedule. Great, first period is Math; my least favorite subject. I grab onto the Amy and Nick locket I made hanging from my neck and whisper to myself, "Let's do this Amy and Nick." I quickly grab everything I need from my locker and head up the hall, past the drama room, up a flight of stairs, and through a whole maze of twists and turns until I get to room 311, Ms.Goodie's class. I make it there two seconds before the bell rings, like always. I close the door behind me and take the first empty seat I see, which is the last open desk in the back. I start approaching the old, empty desk and hear everyone whispering about something that I'm not too sure what it's about.

Half way through this boring class, I realize Mathew writing a note and he passes it to the person on the left; Erica. It goes all the way around the room until it gets to me, the last person like always. It said:

Dear Maura,

Why do you even exist? I mean it's not like you do anything good in this world. You take up too much space, fatty. Do us all a favor and kill yourself, we'd all appreciate it.


Mathew, Erica; and the rest of us.

I can't believe they all signed it. I knew no one cared. Should I really listen to them?


Authors note:

Um hi guys, so this is my first fan fic! Amy and Nick will come in probably within the next two chapters and there will be a lot more of them!!! I don't know if ill really keep going with this book, but hopefully you all like it and maybe I will!

Love ya xo

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