Chapter 14: New House, New Start

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*Maura's POV*

I ran out the car door as fast as I could. What could the note, at least I think it was, could be? I thought about it for a minute, then I realized......

It has something to do with my dad

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I reached the car and opened the door as quicks as possible. I threw Amy and Nick their food. I think they were saying something, but I blurred them out. I needed to know what it says. I took the note from my pocket and opened it.


Hi my little devil. Did you think you could live the best life ever? Ha, wrong. I'll be back for you when I get out, or even escape. Don't think you'll live with Amy and Nick forever because you won't. I'll get you back. Wait till you get your punishment for betraying me. If you loved the ones over the past years, these ones are going to be ten times better, that is if you live that long. Bitch, I hope you die. Go ahead and take the pills because you're not worth anything.

See you soon, maybe.


That's when it hit me; I shouldn't of opened the note. I guess I was crying because Amy hopped out of the passenger seat and climbed into the back next to me. She pulled me onto her lap as I continued to sob. "What's wrong baby?" She said rubbing comforting circle on my back. I handed her the note. Mom accepted it and began reading it over carefully.

M- "I'm scared, h..he's gonna find me."

A-"No ones gonna hurt our daughter. Who gave this to you?"

M-" John, the cashier in Mc. Donalds. He was and still apparently is a friend of my ex-dad's."

A-"Hold on Ill be right back." Amy was furious.

*Amy's POV*

No ones gonna hurt my baby. Our baby. I got out of the car and ran to the front of the restaurant in five inch heels. Damn, that's a new record. Anyways, I opened the door and went up to the cashier.

A-"Hi, by any chance are you John?"

J-"Well my pretty lady I am." And he winked at me.

A- "Listen little asshole, you can tell you're buddy here that he's never getting my daughter back. She's mine and if you or anyone of your friends gets in contact with her or even touch her, I'll sue you. Understand me? You can fucking take this note and shove it up your ass." I handed him the note. "And don't you dare hit on me, I'm engaged unlike you, fyi." And I shoved the ring in his face.

*Amy's POV*

Whelp, that's what happens when you mess with the wrong person.

I walked back to the car and got in the back seat with Maura and pulled her on my lap again. I ran my fingers through her hair and told her it's going to be okay. Nick put the car in drive and began to drive to the hotel. It was quiet the rest of the way. No one said a word to each other.

*Maura's POV*

I must've fell asleep in the car because I woke up in bed to Amy jumping on me.

"Get up Maura!! We need a plane to catch!" She's so cute. "Okay okay, I'll get up." I

got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I changed into sweats, a baggy t shirt and put my hair into a bun. Who really cares about how I look, right? I'm only going on a plane with my mom and dad so who really cares? When I was finished, I went to pack my carry on. My bag was so pretty it was all different colors with music notes on it! Phone? Check. Charger? Check. Headphones? Check. And a few other little things, nothing too huge. I grabbed a granola bar on the way out the door. Amy and Nick had one of their bodyguards, John, drive us to the airport so we didn't have to leave the car there. Great thinking Nick. When we arrived at the airport, John hugged both Amy and Nick and shook my hand. "Stay safe guys. Have fun too!" And with that we waved goodbye and watched as he drove away.

After getting through security and shit, we finally got on the plane. Well here comes a six hour flight. The plane was huge. I actually couldn't believe my parents own this. There was everything; outlets to charge electronics, a flat screen TV, three bedrooms, comfy seats, pillows, a refrigerator, and couches. After awhile of daydreaming, Amy interrupted me my telling Nick and I the plan when we arrive at out new home.

A- "So once we land, our bodyguards will be waiting for us with a car considering Karminites know where we are 24/7, we need protection."

M- "We do really know where you guys are 24/7." We all burst into laughter.

After awhile of talking, I snuggled up to Amy, put my headphones in, and played music. My eyes slowly began to close as I began to drift off to sleep....

~Fast forward to when they land~

*Maura's POV*

"Come on babe, it's time to go" I wake up to. I got up stretching my arms and legs, yawning. We hopped off the plane where we met their bodyguards. While we were trying to get to the car, there were so many fans and flashes. Ugh. I'm not good with big crowds. Amy shouted to me, " WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT LET GO OF OUR HANDS" and I squeezed her hand showing I understood. They stopped to sign a few autographs and take picture, but not as many of them as I would've thought. We finally made it to the car, finally. It felt so good not to be suffocated anymore. After a Long, LONG drive, we made it to out destination. Wait. This was our house now? Oh my god. We all hopped out of the car and ran to the front door. Nick inserted the key in the key hole and turned the knob. When he opened it, my mouth dropped and a huge smile appeared on my face. This was my new home. Finally, I get a new start in life.


Update soon!! Also, in the near future there will be other celebrities added in a few special chapters! Can you guess who they are?!

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