Chapter 25

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After Demitri leaves, I spend a good amount of time just thinking about everything we discussed.  

5 days, I still can't believe it.  Samuel's words from earlier play in my mind. 

Only you would think about training after just waking up from a coma for 5 days.

Since coming to Dark Moon, I've gotten off track with my training.  Eli wouldn't like that.  Speaking of Eli, does my family know what happened?  I imagine not.  Demitri probably didn't even think to tell them, the clueless jerk.  If so, they probably would've been here 5 days ago to try and take me home.  I have no doubt Eli would be proud of me for taking down that wolf though.  I didn't even know I could.  My only thought at the time was to save the boy.  I'll have to ask about him later.


Demitri said he'll come back later.  Part of me hopes he sticks to his word, but the other part hopes he'll stay away.  The conversation we had earlier is the first real talk we've ever had.  His behavior was so unlike what I've seen from him since coming to Dark Night...I'm not sure how to react to it.  My heart tells me he was genuinely worried about me, but I'm not quick to believe it - even if a small part of me wants to.  

My rumbling stomach pulls me out of my head.  Remembering the food in front of me, I eat.  Much to my surprise, the food is gone in minutes.  I'm thirsty as well, but Samuel didn't bring me anything to drink. 

"Samuel?"  I call quietly.

The door opens, his dark head of hair appearing in the doorway.

"Yes?"  He asks.

"Um, can I get a glass of water?"  I ask awkwardly.

He smirks.

"Oh so now you think I'm your servant?  Get it yourself."  He's joking, but I push back the tray and swing my legs over side of the bed, more than ready to get it myself.

"Wait!"  He yells, eyes wide.  

I pause, head tilted as I wait for him to finish.

He groans.

"I'll get it, get back in bed."  He frowns.

"But-"  I start.

"No.  I was only kidding.  If Demitri hears that I made you get out of bed, he'll kill me."  He states.

"Samuel, I'll be fine."  I say, rolling my eyes at the overprotective Alpha.  He warily eyes my feet as they dangle inches above the titled floor.

"Really Ara.  Plus, your body might be a little weaker than usual since you haven't moved in days."  He says in an attempt to convince me.  And possibly save his own neck.

"Okay,"  I give in.  He's probably right anyways.  With my rotten luck, I might end up falling and knocking my head, then I'll have to stay even longer.

He closes the door and I settle back in the bed, trying to get comfortable.  It's then that I realize that I'm only in a thin hospital gown.  I have on underwear and cloth is wrapped around my chest in a makeshift covering, but I still feel strangely naked. 

I'll have to ask for some of my clothes.  Although now that I think about it, I really don't have much to wear in a situation like this.  I don't think jeans would be very comfortable.  Maybe I'll just stick to this. 

Samuel comes back in, and my eyes instantly zero in on the glass of water in his hand.

"Thirsty much?"  He jokes, watching me eye the glass intently.

I ignore him, instead ripping it from his hands and gulping down the entire thing in seconds.

"I'll take that as a yes."  He muses.

I stare at the now empty glass, wanting to ask for more but feeling awkward that he has to do it for me.

"More?"  He asks, sensing my internal conflict.

I nod sheepishly.

He leaves and I reach up to tame my more than likely wild hair.  

Just like I thought, it's a bird's nest.

Running my hands towards the ends, I jump.

What was that?!

My body is sore and kind of achy, but that hurt.

I slowly reach towards my neck, suspicious but not convinced.  As soon as my fingers make contact with the skin, I jump again and retreat.

It can't be...

Samuel enters, another full glass of water in hand.  He studies me as he sets it down.

"Um, do you have a mirror?"  My voice sounds far away.

He looks at me knowingly.

"I'll bring one right in."  He chirps, a cheeky smirk on his face.

He knows.

When he comes back, I take it from him with shaky hands.

To my surprise, he doesn't stay.  Perhaps he knows how I'll react if this is what I think it is and wants to spare me future embarrassment over my reaction.

I tilt it towards me slowly, not even paying attention to my wild hair as it comes into view.

The mirror almost slips out of my hand when I catch the reflection of my neck.


No no no.


"Samuel!!!" I yell.

He comes in immediately, failing to hide his smile as he regards me with mock curiosity.

"What is this?!"  I shriek, pointing to the base of my neck.

"I believe a male has marked you."  He states, the smile growing wider by the second.

Oh, he's enjoying this.

"I"m going to kill him,"  I state, still shocked.

"Can't wait."  He says, rubbing his hands together.

"Mind link him.  I want him here right now."  I grit out.

"So eager to see your mate?  The mark must work fast." He says like a scientist who's just discovered something new. 

"Samuel..." I warn, giving him a hard glare.

"You even sound like him!" He yells, completely enjoying this.

I continue glaring at him in response.

"Alright, alright. I'll do it." He says, holding up his hands in surrender.


I spend the rest of the day stewing in anger over what Demitri has done.

Much to my annoyance, he hasn't shown up yet.  It's been hours.  Samuel did come in to tell me he's busy, but I'm not sure if he mind linked him at all, honestly.  I have a feeling he wouldn't, just to annoy me.  Perhaps, my dearest mate is afraid of my reaction.  

And he should be.

I spend that time trying to process what's happened.  I know what this means for us.  I'm marked, so the bond will only continue to grow stronger.  I feel a rush of warmth surge through my body at the idea.  However, the rational part of my mind questions whether or not that is something he wants.  Ever since I've arrived, he's avoided me - until today, that is.  

No matter how badly he's treated me, I know the bond will make me forgive him.  And I hated to admit it, but even without the bond I wanted to forgive him.  I've seen firsthand what hate does to a person.  I have no desire to spend the rest of my days feeling miserable for myself and dwelling in anger.  And somewhere deep DEEP down, I know Demitri is good.  Although, I've never seen it.  Maybe he's trying to turn over a new leaf.

I ponder on these thoughts all day.

He finally shows up after dinner.

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