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Dinah: camilhoe

Camila: ??

Dinah: so yaknow that vampire chick that you wanna fuck

Camila: well I wanna do a lot more than fuck but continue

Dinah: well anyway I saw her curly haired rat of a bf at the park today with his tongue down some blonde girl's throat

Camila: you what???

Dinah: did I stutter

Camila: holy fuck Dinah this is huge

Dinah: ya huge unlike that boy's dick

Camila: okay any other time I would encourage this but I need advice rn

Dinah: advice?? Gurl you don't need no advice. Tell Lauren and she'll come running into ur arms

Camila: yeah but I don't wanna be her rebound

Dinah: do you wanna fuck her or not?? Don't be picky

Camila: I want to be with her Dinah

Dinah: damn she's got you good

Dinah: okay usually I wouldn't be this sappy but if you really have feelings for this girl you need to make her want you

Camila: omg why didn't I think of that?!?!!!!?

Dinah: I don't need ur sarcasm cabello

Camila: yeah okay sorry

Camila: but how exactly do I make her want me?

Dinah: well first of all you gotta tell her how much of a scumbag her bf is

Dinah: then you gotta just do small little gestures that secretly show ur feelings for her

Camila: like what?

Dinah: like asking how her day went

Dinah: simple stuff like that

Camila: ok I think I got it

Camila: thank you so much dj <3

Dinah: yeah whatever just go win your girl over, stud.



Camila: laur?

Lauren: yes camz?

Camila: I kinda need to tell you something

Lauren: I'm all ears

Camila: well um this is probably gonna be a little hard to hear

Camila: but my friend Dinah said she saw Brad making out with some girl at the park earlier

Lauren: she did?

Camila: yes Lauren I'm so sorry

Lauren: yaknow my friend Normani told me the exact same thing and I completely snapped at her because I thought she was lying

Lauren: I feel like such a dick

Camila: hey no if anyone is a dick it's Brad, he's the one who cheated

Lauren: well it would be pretty fucking hypocritical of me to judge him when you and I literally sexted

Camila: that's different, he physically kissed someone else. And that's just what he was caught doing, God knows what else he could've been up to

Lauren: I guess you're right

Camila: I want you to do something for me

Lauren: what is it?

Camila: I want you to march right up to his door and tell that piece of shit that you're leaving his ass because you deserve so much better than him.

Camila: and when you're leaving I want you to swing your hips and show him exactly what he's missing, okay babygirl?

Lauren: okay

Lauren: Camila?

Camila: yes?

Lauren: can you come with me? I don't wanna do it alone

Camila: of course

A/N: Ay hoes, what are yalls favorite songs from 7/27?? Mine is def squeeze, I want Dinah to squeeze me with her thighs.

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