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Camila: I'm in love with you


Camila: Lauren?

Camila: Lauren please talk to me I'm so sorry it just slipped

Camila: I'll leave you alone if you need time but please don't leave me

Camila: I'll ttyl I guess, if you ever want to talk to me


Camila: ok Lauren this is ridiculous

Camila: I understand that you're shocked but do you really need to make me feel like shit for something I can't control? I'm in love with you, and at times like this I wish I wasn't but I can't fucking change that so if that's too much for you then obviously you don't care about me as much as you've portrayed.

Lauren: Camila I'm sorry I just can't

Camila: can't what?

Lauren: I can't be with you

Camila: then why the fuck did you kiss me? Did you find it funny messing with my feelings like that?

Lauren: you know it's not like that

Camila: I don't know shit, Lauren

Lauren: I never wanted to hurt you

Camila: yeah well you've already done a lot of that

Lauren: I'm so sorry Camila I don't know what to say

Camila: can I at least have an explanation?

Lauren: I'm scared Camila, scared of my family's reaction because they're very closed minded and I guess I care too much about my image

Lauren: and I'm scared of the extent of my feelings because I've never felt this way about anyone else, I used to be completely fine by myself but now when I'm alone the only thing I can think about is how much better it would be to be wrapped in your arms instead.

Lauren: you destroy me, Camila

Camila: we'll figure it out together

Lauren: promise?

Camila: I promise.

A/N: I just fell down the stairs and I think I broke my finger lmao help

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