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Normani placed the spare key to Lauren's house that she carries into the keyhole in Lauren's door and turned, entering the house with a 'where are you bitch?'

The dark skinned girl stopped in her tracks when she entered Lauren's kitchen to find her friend in the arms of an attractive girl, whom she assumed to be Camila, Lauren's face was in Camila's neck and Camila's lips were close to her ear.

"Am I interrupting something?" Normani asked with a slight smirk in seeing the two girls in such a compromising position.

"Normani!" Lauren panicked and quickly jumped out of Camila's arms, " weren't interrupting anything. I just fell over and she-" Lauren's rambling was cut short by Normani, who decided to put the girl out of her misery.

"Yo calm down Lauren its okay." Normani giggled, causing a slight blush to form on Lauren's cheeks.

"I'm Normani." The oldest girl smiled as she offered her hand out to Camila.

"Camila." Camila grabbed Normani's hand and pulled her into a hug, deciding that a handshake was much too formal.

"You're stunning oh my god." Camila complimented as she pulled away from Normani. Lauren felt a slight pang in her chest at this, she should be the only one Camila calls stunning.

"I like you already." Normani laughed, "and, says you girl! Look at that ass!"

"Okay okay you two I think you've introduced yourselves pretty thoroughly." Lauren cut in as she stood between the two girls.

"You have good taste in friends." Camila told Lauren.

"And you haven't even met ally yet." Lauren grinned, excited for the younger girl to meet another important person in her life.

Before Camila could reply, a loud obnoxious knock was heard and Camila's cheeks tinted pink.

"That would be Dinah." She giggled nervously as she walked out of the kitchen to open the door for her best friend. As soon as she left, Normani faced Lauren and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Camila, huh?" She playfully nudged Lauren with her elbow.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lauren tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with Normani.

"Oh don't even try to play that shit with me, Jauregui." Normani's tone became less playful as she searched for the truth.

Lauren was about to reply but was cut off by a booming voice.

"What's up hoes?" Dinah made a peace sign and struck a pose as she entered the kitchen. Saved by the incredibly loud Polynesian, Lauren thought.

"Dinah, right?" Normani laughed at the young girl's likeable attitude.

"That's me." Dinah looked at Normani and whistled, "damn mama you fine."

"Fine and straight." The older girl clarified with a giggle.

"Oh honey I'm straight too, I'm just sayin if you down to fuck you know where to find me." Dinah said with no shame whatsoever as Camila stood beside her, sharing a look with Lauren that said 'what the fuck is happening'.

"Anyway" Lauren stopped the conversation before it got out of hand, "Ally should be here in a few minutes then we can get this party started."

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