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Camila exhaled deeply before knocking softly on the front door of Lauren's house. She looked through the small window on the door and smiled when she saw the older girl speeding down the stairs, then falling on her ass, then getting back up again and jogging down the rest of the stairs like nothing happened.

Soon enough Lauren was standing just inches away from Camila and Camila could feel her heart accelerate drastically.

"That was quick." Lauren smiled while opening the door wider and standing to the side to welcome the brown eyed girl in.

"I guess I was excited to see you." Camila giggled nervously while she shrugged off her jacket, exposing her pink long-sleeved turtle neck. Camila looked at Lauren for a few seconds before frowning.

"You didn't dry your hair" she pouted.

"I didn't really have time to." Lauren giggled.

"Well c'mon" Camila grabbed Lauren by the hand, "I'll do it for you since you're too lazy to do it yourself."

Lauren let out a laugh at this and didn't bother trying to correct the younger girl, instead letting her lead her upstairs and into her bedroom.

Camila then sat crossed legged in front of the long mirror at the side of Lauren's room with the blowdryer and a brush in her hand, and patted the space in front of her for Lauren to sit.

The green eyed girl quickly complied and watched as Camila ran the brush through her black hair with extreme gentleness. Lauren closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she focused on the feeling of Camila's fingertips massaging her head as the warm air from the blowdryer blew forcefully on her hair, occasionally letting out a quiet moan at the euphoria she was feeling.

Lauren then opened her eyes and, through the mirror, watched Camila run her fingers through Lauren's hair while biting her lip and with dilated pupils. At that moment, Lauren so badly wanted it to be her biting Camila's plump lip instead.

She shook her head to clear the thoughts away and looked back at Camila.

"Thanks." She smiled as she looked into Camila's gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yeah" Camila said, also getting lost in the emerald orbs in front of her, "no problem."

Lauren wanted so badly to just lean in, I mean what harm could it do? They'd kissed before, nothing new. Just as she was about to act on her thoughts, the obnoxious sound of her ringtone blared through the room, causing both girls to jump back in shock.

Camila watched as the green eyes girl looked at the caller ID and sighed before answering her phone.

"Brad I told you to stop calling me." Camila's head lifted up at the mention of Lauren's ex-boyfriend.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, we're done." Lauren closed her eyes and rubbed her temples in frustration "just stop okay, I'm....I'm happy with Camila, she treats me better than you ever did." Camila smiled at this, although she knew deep down that Lauren was just saying what she was saying to make Brad jealous.

"Whatever Brad, goodbye, please don't call me again." With that, Lauren hung up the phone and threw it on her bed.

"You okay?" Camila asked while standing up and making a move to comfort Lauren.

"I'm fine," Lauren smiled sadly, "I think I'm more sad that I actually wasted my time with a jerk like that than I am about breaking up." Lauren laughed slightly, despite herself.

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