Thirty Five

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Camila and Lauren were laying in Lauren's bed with their limbs intertwined, Lauren's parents were downstairs so Lauren made sure to keep her hearing sharp for any footsteps, she really didn't wanna be caught in such a compromising position by them.

"Lauren why can't we just tell them at dinner tonight? Rip the bandaid off." Camila lifted her head off Lauren's chest and looked at her girlfriend, sensing her anxiety of being caught.

"Camila, we've had this conversation a billion times. I'm not ready." Lauren moved her head so that her face was pressed against her pillow and exhaled deeply.

"But you said the same thing about telling the girls, and that turned out really well! Just c'mon Lauren, do it for me." Camila lifted her hand to run through Lauren's hair and pouted.

"And you promised not to pressure me, you're being the opposite of patient right now." Lauren moved her head so that Camila's hand was no longer touching her hair.

"The opposite of patient? I've been patient for months Lauren, when you said you needed time I thought you meant like a month at the most. I'm really proud of you for telling the girls, but damn it Lauren is it so bad that I wanna hold your fucking hand at the dinner table?" Camila stood up from the bed, she rarely got mad at her girlfriend but right now the anger was definitely bubbling.

"What happened to not caring if other people knew as long as you had me? Was that just bullshit to reel me in? Do you not love me as much anymore or something?" Lauren was now sitting up straight on her bed, her thick eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were starting to fog up. She knew she was being over the top, but she couldn't help it. She was an insecure person, and when situations like this arose she let it get to her head easily.

"Are you serious? Are you really doubting my fucking feelings for you? After everything I did to get you? Fuck you, Lauren." Camila searched around the room for her worn out Nike sneakers and slipped them on quickly once she found them.

"Where are you going? You're supposed to be staying for dinner." Lauren's heart dropped in her chest, she fucked up and she knew it. But she wasn't going to take all the blame, why should she? Camila promised not to pressure her into coming out to anyone, and that's exactly what she's doing now.

"I'm leaving, I need some time away from you to calm down." Camila didn't even look at Lauren as she spoke, which caused a pang of hurt in Lauren's chest. But Camila didn't make a move to leave, she just stood in the middle of Lauren's bedroom staring into nothingness.

"If you're waiting for me to apologize I'm not going to, so you may as well leave already." Lauren watched Camila as she scoffed and turned to look at her.

"Of course you're not going to apologize, you never do." Camila finally started to walk out, she opened Lauren's bedroom door and stepped into the hallway. Lauren stood up and followed Camila, infuriated by her statement.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Are you really gonna act like you're not in the wrong here? Unbelievable." Both girls started to rush downstairs, Camila a few steps ahead of Lauren. As they passed the kitchen, they failed to notice the two people watching their exchange.

"Just leave me alone Lauren, I told you I need time away from you." Camila placed her hand on the door handle and looked over her shoulder at Lauren.

"Don't leave, we can work this out now." Lauren's tone softened as she noticed the intensity of the situation, she hadn't actually expected Camila to leave.

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