Twenty Seven

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Dinah: mila I have great news

Camila: I'm listening

Normani: I'm listening too

Ally: me too

Lauren: I guess I'll join this party

Dinah: well there's this super hot chick that works with me and she's really gay and really single

Dinah: her name is Ariana

Camila: wow Dinah I don't need to be set up with anyone lol

Ally: I would give it a try if I were you mila, I mean what do you have to lose?

Normani: yeah, well apart from your virginity

Lauren: haha

Dinah: wtf kinda encouragement is that lauser, tell mila she should totally take this girl out

Camila: guys I just don't want a relationship rn okay?

Dinah: c'monnnnn you were whining to me a few weeks ago about how you wanted someone to cuddle with 24/7

Lauren: maybe she's changed her mind

Normani: ugh Camila this is your chance!!! You've literally never even been on a date before, live a little

Camila: I've been on a date before

Dinah: what?

Ally: lies

Dinah: why wasn't I told about this? Was it that bad?

Camila: it wasn't bad at all, it was literally one of the best days I've had in a while

Ally: who were you on a date with?? Spill girl!1!!1!1!!!!

Camila: I can't tell you guys

Lauren: yeah maybe we should change the subject Camz seems uncomfortable

Normani: like fuck are we changing the subject

Dinah: hotmani has a point, tell us Camila

Normani: hotmani?

Dinah: ya that's my new nickname for you but noT THE POINT

Camila: can we just drop this? I really don't wanna talk about it right now

Ally: guys Lauren is right, mila will tell us when she's ready

Camila: thank you ally <3

Camila: you too laur <3

Ally: no problem Camila

Lauren: you're welcome babygirl <3

Lauren: camila*** oops stupid autocorrect


Camila's thumb hovered over Lauren's contact name on her phone, the group conversation about her dating life made Camila miss her girlfriend even more.

She clicked on Lauren's name immediately after, hearing the beeping sounds of her phone before Lauren picked up and her husky voice could be heard by Camila.

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