Twenty Four

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Lauren allowed her eyes to wander from the road for just a few seconds to look at the stunning brown eyed girl occupying the passenger seat. Lauren's hand then subconsciously moved to Camila's knee as she looked back to the road, needing some kind of contact with the girl.

From the corner of Lauren's eye she saw Camila look away from the window and focus her gaze on the hand on her knee, a slight blush on her cheeks that Lauren found absolutely adorable.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going?" The younger girl finally asked after a few more moments of comfortable silence.

"Hmm." Lauren pretended to think about the answer, "no."

"C'monnnnn." Camila whined in a way that resembled a young child and Lauren thought she might die from her cuteness.

"We're almost there Camz just settle down." Lauren chuckled.

"Okay, yeah, settle down," Camila sat up straight and cleared her throat, "I can do that."

After a few seconds of 'settling down' Camila let out a very exaggerated groan

"I'm bored." Camila sighed deeply.

"Okay okay." Lauren looked back at the younger girl for a few seconds, "wanna play I spy?"

"Yes!" Camila sounded way too excited than normal for a 19 year old.

"Okay me first." Lauren looked around her surroundings, "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with V"

Camila instantly raised her eyebrows with a playful smirk on her face and looked down at Lauren's crotch area.

"Oh my god Camz!" Lauren snorted and went into a fit of laughter.

"Okay seriously though," Camila began looking around, "Vaperol diarrhea medicine?"

"Camila," Lauren said with an amused tone in her voice, "do you see any Vaperol diarrhea medicine?"

"Well no but I can't think of anything else beginning with V, what kind of stupid ass letter is V?" Camila ranted, feigning annoyance.

"Camz the word was van," Lauren pointed straight ahead of her to a huge white van, "see?"

"I wasn't done guessing! I was totally gonna guess van next." Camila pouted and let out a huff.

"Whatever, my turn." Her mood instantly brightened as she seemed to think of something.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with A." Camila grinned widely.

"Ummm" Lauren squinted her eyes ahead of her, trying to spot something that started with the letter, "Antelope?"

"Lauren please tell me where you see antelope." Camila giggled.

"Okay so it's not antelope." Lauren smiled and continued to search, "apples?"

"Okay you're not gonna get this." Camila laughed and shook her head, "the word was art."

"Art? Where do you see art?" Lauren asked.

"Here." Camila said as she tilted the rear view mirror in the direction of Lauren, making the older girl look at her reflection. A very visible blush appeared on Lauren's cheeks and a huge smile made its way onto her face.

"Dork." She muttered as she pulled into a small parking lot.

"We're here." Lauren announced before getting out of the car and opening Camila's door for her to get out.

"Where exactly is 'here'?" Camila asked, also with a huge smile on her face.

"Wait here one sec." Lauren said before walking to the back of her car and pulling a picnic basket out of the trunk.

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