Twenty Eight

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"Can't we just jump out your window and move to Ohio?" Lauren asked as she pulled her shirt back on her body.

"Baby you know we can't do that, we're gonna have to just tell Dinah the truth." Camila walked behind Lauren and slid her arms around Lauren's waist while resting her head on Lauren's shoulder, "it's gonna be fine laur, I mean c'mon what's the worst that could happen? We already know she's not homophobic because she already knows I'm gay."

"Yeah I know." Lauren turned her head to the side to look into her lover's eyes "but it's not that, I guess now that someone else knows it kinda makes it all a little more real to me, you know?"

"Is that a bad thing?" Camila asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No not at all, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me Camila." Lauren turned around to face Camila and she rested her hand on the side of Camila's face, "I just always thought I was straight, and then you come along and change everything, it's just kinda overwhelming."

"I get that." Camila looked down and nodded slowly, "I can just tell Dinah to leave if you don't wanna deal with this right now?"

"No, no don't do that. We can't erase what she saw, we should just tell her and get it over with." Lauren replied.

"Okay, if that's what you want then that's what we'll do." Camila offered Lauren a soft smile, to which Lauren returned.

"Hey, you know my reluctance to tell people isn't because I'm ashamed of you or anything right? I love you so much Camila and I would love nothing more than to be able to tell the whole world that, but I'm just not ready yet." Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and traced small shapes on the back of it as a way to try to comfort the smaller girl.

"Yeah, I know Lauren. I love you too." Camila then leaned in for a slow kiss, savoring the taste of Lauren's lips before pulling away and giving her a bright smile.

"Shall we?" Camila asked as she tilted her head towards the door.

"We shall." Lauren gave a reluctant smile before sighing softly.

Camila and Lauren walked downstairs, hand in hand, to see Dinah sitting down at Camila's kitchen counter, staring into space.

"Dinah?" Camila asked, making Dinah's head shoot up to the young couple, her gaze initially on their intertwined hands but eventually moving up to their faces.

" both.." Dinah seemed shocked, which was surprising due to how much she discussed the relationship between the two girls.

"Yes, we're dating." Camila gave an answer to what she assumed Dinah's question to be.

"You're dating? Oh my god I thought you both were just doing the nasty!" Dinah exclaimed, her shock seemingly growing by the second.

"We're not just...doing the nasty." Camila flushed in embarrassment, "we haven't even done..that..yet."

"Girl don't lie to me, I literally just walked in on y'all frick fracking." Dinah chuckled a little.

"We weren't, we were just making out." Lauren finally spoke up.

"Well if that's what 'making out' is to lesbians then sign me the fuck up" Dinah joked, causing a snort from Camila which resulted in Camila getting elbowed in the ribs by Lauren.

"Wait wait wait, aren't you like the straightest person ever?" Dinah focused her attention on Lauren.

"I..I wasn't lying to you when I said I was straight because that's the only label that I think applies to me. I'm not attracted to any other girls, only Camila." Lauren explained.

"So you're...cabellosexual?" Dinah asked with a slight smile on her face.

"I guess I am." Lauren chucked as a slight blush tinted her cheeks.

"I guess now it's time to give you the 'don't hurt my best friend or I'll kick your ass' talk, right?" Dinah's face turned serious again.

"I wasn't planning on it." Lauren smiled softly at her girlfriend that was standing beside her.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Camila suddenly exclaimed, causing the other two girls to laugh and tell her to hurry before she pees herself.

" and Camila huh?" Dinah asked as Lauren sat down on the stool opposite hers.

"Yeah, she's really great." Lauren smiled bashfully, meanwhile Camila was standing at the door outside the kitchen, only going to the bathroom to clean her hands. She wasn't planning on eavesdropping on the girl's conversation but she was curious as to what Lauren would say about her to other people.

"Look Lauren you're not like 'experimenting' or anything with her are you? Because I can tell you now that you're literally that girl's world and i honestly don't even wanna think about what would happen if she found out you were just using her or something." Dinah asked, afraid of her best friend getting hurt due to the extent of her feelings.

"I really appreciate that you're so protective of her but no, Dinah, I'm not experimenting with her. I'm in love with her Dinah, I'm so in love with her that it literally astounds me sometimes. I've never been more serious about something than I am about her, about our relationship. It's literally only been a few weeks and I already know that she's the love of my life." Lauren found that once she started talking about the brown eyed girl, she couldn't stop.

As Camila listened to Lauren pour her heart out from the other side of the wall, a small tear escaped her eye at the thought of Lauren feeling the exact same way about her that she does about Lauren. Camila wanted to spend the rest of her life with Lauren, she wanted to give Lauren every single part of her and she couldn't wait to accomplish milestones with her girlfriend. Obviously it was way too soon for stuff like marriage and kids, but there was something Camila could give to Lauren that signified her love. Camila suddenly didn't care that she wasn't experienced, or that it would probably be messy. She wanted to give her body to Lauren in the most intimate way she could think of.

"I'm back." Camila announced as she walked back into the kitchen. Dinah immediately jumped up from her seat.

"Well I'm gonna head home, I forgot that I gotta feed my fish okay bye." Dinah grabbed her purse and darted out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

"She doesn't have fish, does she?" Lauren chuckled.

"Nope, she doesn't even like sushi." Camila smiled at the older girl.

"Lauren?" Camila asked while playing with the other girls fingers.

"Yes?" Lauren replied softly.

"Can we go back upstairs?" Camila grabbed Lauren's hand.

"Of course baby." And with that, Camila led Lauren back upstairs and they both sat down on her bed , legs crossed and facing each other.

"I'm ready." Camila spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"You're ready for what, Camz?" Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"I..I want you to make love to me."

A/N: are y'all horny fucks ready for the next chapter?

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