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"I don't think I can do this, camz" Lauren said through a shaky breath once Camila parked outside of Brad's house.

"Hey look at me," Camila placed her hand over Lauren's and waited until her green eyes met Camila's brown ones "the sooner you cut ends with that asshole the sooner you'll find someone who will treat you like you deserve to be treated"

"Yeah," Lauren breathed deeply, "yeah, you're right"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Camila asked softly.

"Please." Lauren said before Camila got out of her car and walked over to Lauren's side and opened her door for her.

Camila then felt Lauren's fingers intertwine with her own and she thought to herself that if she were to die in that moment, she wouldn't care because this was all she ever wanted. Lauren's hand in her own.

Before they both knew it, Brad's brown wooden door was in front of their faces and all there was left to do was knock.

So that's what Lauren did, and as she did that Camila could feel the grip on her hand getting considerably tighter.

Then, Brad was in front of them both and Lauren knew that she should say something but she didn't know what.

" just.." Lauren stuttered.

"Everything okay?" Brad questioned with a confused look.

Camila then whispered in Lauren's ear 'I got this' when she realized the older girl was still at a loss for words.

"Actually no, Bread, everything's not okay." Camila started.

"Um my name is Brad."

"Yeah okay honey keep telling yourself that." Camila replied, "you see brad, Lauren here doesn't exactly want to date a cheating dick like you."

"What are you trying to say?" Brad asked with his annoying voice.

"I'm saying that y'all are over. Finished. Donezo."

"And who exactly are you to be telling me this?" Brad asked with a smirk on his face that Lauren so badly wanted to just wash off.

"I'm-" Camila started but was cut off by Lauren's raspy voice.

"She's my new girlfriend." Brad's smirk fell fast and Lauren mentally patted herself on the back.

"Prove it." He said after a few seconds.

"I don't think we hav-" Camila was once again cut off. But not by words this time.

She was cut off by Lauren's lips on hers. Lauren was kissing her. Holy fuck Lauren was kissing her. She braced herself for Lauren to pull away but she never did. Instead, Lauren placed her hand on Camila's waist and deepened the kiss, her tongue brushing against Camila's bottom lip. Camila kissed back after the shock had worn off and she bit Lauren's lip gently and pulled it back, eliciting a quiet moan from the older girl that Camila saved in her memory as it was just about the hottest thing she had ever heard.

But, all good things come to an end, and Lauren was soon pulling back.

"Okay fuck I guess you are a dyke." Brad spat at Lauren.

Camila could see the hurt flash on Lauren's face but it was quickly replaced with a confident smirk.

"I guess I am honey" Lauren said as she took Camila's hand and walked down Brad's driveway, smacking Camila's ass once she made sure Brad was looking.

When they both got into Camila's car, Lauren looked at Camila with an unreadable expression on her face.

"I'm sorry." She said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"For what?" Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

"For kinda stealing your first kiss." Lauren giggled nervously.

Camila then rested her hand on Lauren's knee and looked into her eyes "I didn't mind."

"Thank you Camila." Lauren said sincerely as she grabbed Camila's hand gently.

"For what?" Camila repeated her earlier question.

"For everything." Lauren smiled for the first time today. A real smile. Not like the fake cocky smirk she gave Brad. "You're such a good friend Camz"

Camila then let go of Lauren's hand as reality slapped her in the face. She mumbled a 'thanks' before clearing her throat and beginning to drive back to Lauren's house through misty eyes.

Soon enough, the car was parked outside Lauren's house and Lauren placed her soft lips on Camila's cheek before making a move to exit the car.

"Thanks for today." The older girl smiled. "Text me when you get home so I know you got home safely."

"I will" Camila smiled back and watched as Lauren skipped up her driveway and turned at her door to blow Camila an exaggerated kiss.

As Camila watched Lauren with a huge smile on her face, she came to a realization.

She was irrevocably, undoubtedly in love with Lauren.

A/N: whoop there it is. Do y'all think that the build up for this story is too slow? I don't wanna rush Camren but I feel like I'm taking too long lmao

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