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Lauren was the first to wake up, at first she didn't recognize where she was, but when she came to her senses and felt her girlfriend's warm arms wrapped around her she instantly remembered.

Camila and her had actually done it. Lauren smiled softly to herself as she recalled the night before, and she felt her heart swell with affection at the memory of the way Camila's hands had touched her skin so gently. And don't even get her started on the way Camila looked at her, every time Lauren looked at Camila to find her staring back with an affectionate look in her eyes always made Lauren swoon. But the way Camila looked at her the previous night was different, Lauren thought that Camila looked at her as if she was something worth looking at and in all honestly she loved it.

Lauren looked down at her girlfriend, who had her head resting on the older girl's chest, and she ran her fingers through Camila's hair. She was truly the most beautiful thing that Lauren had ever laid eyes on, from her chocolate eyes to her full lips, Lauren thought that there was no limit to the amount of time she could stare at the younger girl.

"Ethereal." Lauren spoke aloud, causing Camila to mumble a "hmm?" In response.

"Ethereal." Lauren repeated "you're completely ethereal."

"No, silly, I'm Camila." The younger girl said in a sleepy voice, causing Lauren to giggle at the adorableness of her girlfriend.

"Sorry, Camila." Lauren smiled widely and kissed the younger girl's forehead.

"You woke me up, bitch." Camila yawned and pretended to be annoyed at Lauren.

"I'm sorry baby, you can go back to sleep." The older girl couldn't stop smiling, she thought her cheeks were literally about to fall off due to the pain from smiling so much.

"Why would I wanna go back to sleep when my reality is better than any dream I could ever have?" Camila smiled up at Lauren and pecked her lips quickly.

"You're so cheesy, oh my god!" Lauren burst into a fit of giggles.

"You love it." Camila laughed back.

"I do love it, I love you." Lauren's giggles died down a little and she moved to kiss Camila again, but the younger girl pushed her away.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet!" Camila jumped to her feet, and Lauren shamelessly admired her girlfriend's naked body.

"Do you really think I care? Just kiss me." Lauren whined.

"I'm not gonna kiss you with morning breath." Camila laughed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth, Lauren followed and did the same. The both of them glancing at each other's body from time to time.

"Can I kiss you now?" Lauren asked as soon as she put one of the spare toothbrushes that Camila owned in the little cup beside the sink.

"Hmm, what's the magic word?" Camila smirked, she sure loved to tease Lauren.

"Camilaaaaa, let me kiss you." Lauren pouted and put her arms out in front of her, like a child would do if they're looking for affection.

"You gotta say please." Camila laughed at Lauren's cuteness.

"Pleeeeeease?" The green eyed girl's voice raised a few octaves, resembling that of a baby's.

"Well, since you asked nicely." Camila stood on her tiptoes, because Lauren as a little taller, and slowly attached her lips to her girlfriends. It was a weird kiss, because they were both smiling during it, but it was perfect to them both none the less.

It wasn't long before both girl's hands started to roam, just like they did the night before, and Lauren was gently pressed against the glass screen of the outside of Camila's shower. Camila then detached her lips from Lauren and smiled widely at the other girl.

"Do you want to take a shower?" Camila asked before moving to plant soft kisses on Lauren's exposed collar bone.

"S-sure." Lauren stuttered as she felt the smaller girl's lips move against her skin.

Camila then smirked against Lauren's neck and pulled the shower screen to the side, then pulled Lauren in while still kissing her neck. Camila then blindly reached for the water switch and twisted it as she pushed Lauren against the wall of the shower.

Lauren instantly pulled away from Camila and jumped back.

"Camila the water is fucking freezing!" Lauren screamed while trying her hardest to avoid the stream of water.

Camila started giggling and she reached for the switch to make the water hotter, "I'm sorry babe, I wasn't looking." She said innocently while smiling widely at Lauren and inching towards her again.

Lauren tried her hardest to be mad, she really did, but Camila's goofy smile was basically impossible to be mad at.

"You're a jerk." Lauren shook her head while smiling.

"I'm your jerk though." Camila then took Lauren's hand and pulled her under the warm stream of water, "how's that my love?"

"Perfect." Lauren closed her eyes and stood under the water while Camila reached for the soap on the shower ledge.

"Can I wash you baby?" Camila asked, Lauren instantly nodded with her eyes still closed and Camila lathered the soap into her hands, then started to rub Lauren's shoulders, slowly moving down the length of her back.

Lauren was in Heaven, to say the least, and when Camila's hands moved to the front of her body, starting at her tummy, Lauren's breathing started to increase dramatically. The younger girl added more soap to her hands and started to rub Lauren's boobs, paying close attention to each one and occasionally rolling Lauren's nipples between her thumb and forefinger. It was when Camila suddenly gripped the older girl's boobs roughly that Lauren let out a high pitched moan, making Camila admittedly lightheaded. Camila's hands then roamed all the way down to Lauren's thighs, and she occasionally moved them up a little to massage Lauren's ass, and finally she washed her legs.

Camila then stood up to face her smiling girlfriend and she gave her a long, passionate kiss.

"Your turn." Lauren smirked, grabbing the soap bottle and distributing it throughout her hands.

Lauren cleaned the same places Camila did, and when Lauren got to Camila's chest she looked up at the younger girl.

"I really love these." she said while gently massaging Camila's boobs.

Camila shook her head and smiled shyly down at the shower floor.

"They're tiny." She laughed.

"They're perfect, who cares if they're small? It doesn't make them any less beautiful, it doesn't make you any less beautiful Camz." Lauren kissed Camila gently, sort of sealing the intimate moment between them.

"Thank you, I love you Lauren." Camila sighed happily against Lauren's lips.

"I love you too Camila, like crazy." Lauren smiled back.

Lauren finished up washing Camila's body then the two girls washed one another's hair before hopping out of the shower, Camila grabbed one of her towels and wrapped it snugly around Lauren before placing a kiss on her forehead and grabbing a towel for herself.

"You're too good to me." Lauren giggled.

"You deserve the best." Camila winked jokingly, although she had never been more serious.

The rest of the couple's day was spent perfectly in both girl's eyes, even though it just consisted of Netflix, cuddles and stolen kisses.

A/N: I am just the worst at updating lol I'm so sorry y'all should roast me in the comments I deserve it

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