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Jacob thought he was the only person who lived like him. Poor, alone, always in constant hunger and most importantly, he had no family. His family had all died by the time he was six, either that, or his family had just abandoned him and left him on the street to suffer. He would never know, but all he could remember was his mother's face. Smooth, smiling, and perfect, At least, that was how he thought of her. He was about 12 at this time, and he was very skilled at sneaking into people's yards and stealing from recycling bins. He would find some pretty cool stuff, like bicycle handlebars, broken electronics, and, if he was lucky, some valuable jewelry people had accidentally thrown away with their other junk. His home was a broken car outside of a junkyard. It was in an area where nobody ever came through, so Jacob stored all his valuables there. He got food by going to restaurants and picking things out of the trash that people throw away. To him, a trash can from a place like, Starbucks, or maybe even Round Table Pizza, was like a feast. His body had such an intake of trash; he was just about immune to the bacteria. When people saw him, they thought he looked like a rat covered in oil and dirt. He didn't care. People didn't see him much anyway. He preferred to be hidden in his little alley with his car he lived in. One day, he was walking around a vacant lot when he saw a girl, about his age, hiding behind a dumpster. He ended up having a conversation with her and found out that he, Jacob the Castaway, was not the only one of his kind.

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