Bagarre de Poisson Pt 2

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A/N: Im hella burnin right now so im gonna take a cold shower soon. Consider this a 4th of July gift!

Q: Did you watch Finding Dory?
A: Yes, and it was my destiny
Spoiler alert; They find Dory

And now back to this AU ε> 

"' Max over there tries to pick up Sab but was rejected, an' next thing he knows his whole head's fucking covered in smoothies." Adrien smiled, laughing at the memory. "I think the little guy'll be cleaning the berries in his hair for weeks."

The Ladybug gave a little chuckle, meaning she picked up the words he was saying. Some people call her crazy, but she wasn't. People who knew her describes her as someone who was born in the wrong era, the wrong side of the river. She has a whole different perspective of the world, like there is a bubble surrounding her, and she is watching the world from the inside. Adrien always wonder what always goes on in his head.

Officer Bourgeois passed by the bridge and gave them a dirty look, "Why hasn't no one blown your head off with a rifle yet?"

Adrien glared at her, wanting to pounce on Bourgeois, but the Ladybug responded, "Even the most primitive of societies have an innate respect for the insane."

She looked at the Ladybug as if she was speaking Enochian, and buried her eyebrows together. The Ladybug has no other reaction for officer. "Lousy kids," Bourgeois muttered and walked away. "If I was four years younger, I'd punch you both."

"Bourgeois, that doesn't even make any sense!" Adrien shouted as she disappeared into the darkness (where she belongs). She was always trying to take down the Ladybug and Adrien because of how trouble making the two always was. Bourgeois cant really do anything until they are caught doing something real bad.

Adrien turned back to the Ladybug, barely remembering what she had said the Officer Bourgeois. "Sometimes I don' understand the fucking words that comes out of your mouth." Adrien smacked the can that was on the bridge off to the polluted river. He tries to be smart like her, but she was way passed intelligent. No one ever knows what the Ladybug is thinking.

Pretty soon, the Ladybug continued her walk and Adrien stayed beside her. He kept trying to make small conversation, but she would not reply. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"I'm sorry," the Ladybug finally says, "I figured being alone would give us time for ourselves."

"Time for what?" Adrien said. "You know I hate being alone," He always feared of being alone, ever since he was a kid. He doesn't know why, but being alone was the one thing that can make him cry.

The Ladybug walked into a movie theater. Not much people were there, mostly teens, couples, and guys goofing around, throwing popcorn around. This kind of skin flick was more M rated, but they still let Adrien and Ladybug pass in. 

Adrien was the one who watched the 'movie,' the Ladybug wandered her eyes passed the few people that was in the theater.


When the movie ended, the Ladybug and Adrien left the theater, and Adrien spotted Nino coming out of the bathroom, a horror look on his face.

"Nino, over here!" Adrien gestured.

Nino was alone, and quickly came to him. "Th-there was the bathroom--just--"

Nino kep stuttering, and Adrien's eyes widened. "You never go in the bathroom in these theaters, man." Adrien chuckled.

"Now you tell me."

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