Chapter19 † Not That Easy

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Hold up, wait a minute.

Ya'll thought I was finished?

When I bought that Aston Martin,

Ya'll thought it was rented?

Flexin on these niggas,

I'm like Popeye on his Spinach...♪

*Sunni's POV*

"I know where he is," Woo said for the second time. I pulled out my gun and rested my arm on the table.

"I don't know if I'm on edge because of all this calamity, but I think you just said you know where he is," I said cocking my gun.

"You heard correctly. I know where Darryl is," he said. I love this boy but right now I'm finding it hard to trust anyone. I pointed my gun at him and raised my eyebrow.

"You mean to tell me that you knew where he was this whole time but ain't say shit. Am I correct about that too?" I asked. Everybody in the room was dead silent just watching us. NoNo never took his eye off my gun.

"Sunni, put the gun down. I haven't known the whole time. I just put two and two together," he said trying to calm me down.

"Continue," I said lowering my gun back onto the table.

"You know how Darryl AKA Derek is my pop's right hand man? Well, Pops always used to tell me about a secret hideout he had in Korea. He said it's where him and my moms used to meet when she stayed up there. It has like a secret island or whatever. He said if he was ever in trouble, he was gonna take us there. I was real little tho, so when I moved out, he ain't have to take me. There's pretty much no way to contact him because he has a call blocked region so nobody could find him. The only way he can communicate with you is if he calls you," he explained.

"And what took you so long to figure this out?" I asked him.

"Like I said. My pops told me about this place when I was little. It didn't click until Alyssa said something about Darryl's call history in Korea. And with him being my Pops main, my parents must be with him," he said. I thought about it for a second. What he said did make sense.

"My Daddy is looking for Darryl so he sent out his men to get him. When they shot at him, Darryl got spooked and told Woo's parents that someone was out for them so they went to this top secret ass island to hideout. They think that Darryl is protecting them, When in reality, he's looking out for himself," I said thinking out loud.

"Damn. That's some corrupt ass shit," Anya said.

"I can't believe this nigga did all this just to hide from Pops. That's cowardly as fuck," NoNo said. Wait. I just thought about something.

"But why would he do all of that stuff to your brother, tho?" I asked Woo. He sat and thought for a minute.

"He knows something that we don't. And I'm almost positive it has something to do with Yoo," he said. I just sat and thought. I couldn't think of anything.

"What, did your parents put a top secret microchip up his ass to let us know where they are?" I said sarcastically. Woo's eyes got huge and he shot his head towards me.

"Where'd you put the baby bag that my mama brought with him?" he asked. I threw that thang in the back of my closet. It was cute bu-

"Holy shit! Come on!" I just realized what he was talking about. I shot up from the table. NoNo quickly locked up the warehouse and we all got in our vehicles heading to my apartment. I pushed 85 all the way there. I'm surprised a cop didn't get buck but then again, this is Houston.

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