Chapter22 † Too Many Secrets

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¢ I'll be there

Through the rough winds

And rain and ice...

I'll be there

When the night falls

And troubles rise...

I'll be there

When you need me.

No matter what, how, or when..,

My friend...

I'll be there...¢

*Chinks' POV*

I sat in the waiting room awaiting the outcome of Sunni.

I'm not stupid. I know what's up.

She's pregnant.

Only a dumbass wouldn't be able to notice. I just didn't want to notice because of one fact.

The baby's not mine.

Sunni and I used protection every time. The condom never broke.

I know that those muhfuckas raped her raw. Who the fuck is worried about sexual safety when they're raping somebody?

All the signs were there. Why didn't I say anything? She knew too.

I looked over at my sleeping brother lying in Anya's arms. He's getting so big. Standing up now and getting into shit. My parents would be so proud of the both of us.

I looked at Anya who was silently crying.

I feel bad for her. Sunni is her bestfriend and she has to watch all this go down.

Nomad paced the floor over and over again. Being in the drug game, we both visit the hospital a lot. This is nothing new.

Just the fact that this is someone that we love so much is what brings us to the edge.

I'm slowly reaching my breaking point. I'm not nearly as content as I seem to be.

If I was to lose Sunni, I'd lose my mind right along with her.

"Family of Zyna Johnson?!" a doctor called.

"Here! Right here!" Nomad yelled making his way over.

"Sir, I wanted to ask you if you knew that Zyna was pregnant?" the doctor asked.

"I put two and two together, yeah," I said. Neither Anya nor Nomad reacted to what was just said.

"Well her body is weak. She doesn't have the nutrients she needs. She lost a baby but we're trying to hold on to the other," he said.

"There was two?" Nomad asked.

"Yes. This one is holding on for dear life. We are doing the best we can but its not looking good," he said. Sound familiar?

"But Zyna? Will she be alright?" I asked him.

"She will need a blood transfusion. She's lost a lot. Her blood type is rare and will be hard to find. That is unless, you can find a relative with the same blood type," the doctor said.

I looked at Nomad and he shook his head.

"We don't have the same blood type. We found that out when I got shot a couple years ago and needed a transfusion. My blood is no good," he said. I knew mine wasn't either. By the look on Anya's face, I could tell she was thinking the same.

"How long do we have to get her the blood," I asked the doctor.

"At most, a week," he replied.

"Can we see her now?" Anya asked rocking with my brother.

"She can't have any visitors for today. She needs her rest and we're still monitoring her and the baby," he said.

I wasn't about to put up a fight. She's skating on thin ice and I can't fix her.

"Let her know we'll be here in the morning," I told him. We shook hands and went our separate ways.

Sunni will pull through. She's done it before and can do it again.

*Sunni's POV*

"It's not looking to good for your baby. We've already lost your other one," the doctor said.

Everything he was saying was going in one ear and out the other. I had an idea that I was pregnant. What depressed me the most was that I knew they weren't Woo's.

I'd rather die than deal with this. I'm only eighteen. I shouldn't be having to deal with this.

Does Woo still want me? What if this second baby makes it? Will he love it as his own? Will I love it as my own?

I know that sounds harsh because it's not the baby's fault but I'm only human. Any human will always have that thought in the back of their head that they're raising their rapist's child.

I don't know.

*Nomad's POV*

"Hello?" the voice on the other end of the phone answered.

"Pops, you need to come down here. Zyna's in the hospital and it ain't lookin too good," I told him. Thinks weren't going good.

"What?! What happened? I'm on my way. I'll be there by tonight," my pops said rushing me off the phone. I quickly stopped him.

"Wait! Bring her," I told him.

"Her, who?" he asked confused.

"Zyra. Bring Zyra," I told him. He took a deep breath into the phone.

"Fine. I'll bring her," he said hesitantly.

"I-I love you, Pops," I said not trying to sound awkward.

"I love you too, son," he said then hung up.

My sister isn't going to die. I refuse to let that happen as long as I have breathe in my body.

She needs this blood, and I know exactly the one who can give it to her.


Author's Note:

I'M BACK YA'LL!!!! I've been so damn busy but I'm slowly but surely getting back in the game. This was a short update but the next will be long and juicy!

VOTE & COMMENT what you think!

~One Love

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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