Chapter 7

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''Oww..careful please. It stings.'' Eunji whines and hold her right elbow close to her, away from Chanyeol. They're in Chanyeol's room, treating Eunji's wound after the 'accident'.

''You're still clumsy like before. You haven't changed at all. The bread too.'' Chanyeol chuckles as he looked back to the memories they made in the past.

Eunji looks up at him with eyes as sharp as a monster looking at its prey.

''S-so, that was you? At the market?'' she asks, not believing it for one second. Chanyeol nods and his lips forms a smile.

''So, I gave that bread to you? What a waste! I should have taken it!'' she exclaims, regrets what she did at the market.

''Hey. It's not a waste. I ate it well. Thank you.'' Chanyeol rubs his tummy to show that the bread was eaten well by him. Eunji scoffs.

''Just finish treating my wound. I don't want it to get infected because of you.'' She says, showing her still-open wound to him. Chanyeol makes a face before finishing treating the wound.

''There. Shouldn't you say something to me then?'' Chanyeol asks, full of hope that Eunji will thank him. Eunji sense what's going on when she looks at Chanyeol's face. Her mind is crazy with sneaky ideas and full of pranks, but she turns it down when she stares at Chanyeol. She realises that she misses him so bad.

''I do. I miss you so much.'' she says and hugs him, startling Chanyeol who's waiting for a 'thank you' from her. But he knows he misses her too. He remembers he got angry at her years ago for leaving without saying goodbye.

''I miss you too. And you think leaving a note is enough? That is cruel!'' he jokes and they let go of each other.

''I'm sorry, i didn't have time to say a proper goodbye. You weren't home and always training.'' Eunji sort of, fires back. It is true. When he got accepted as a trainee by S.M, he became busy until there's no time to hang with Eunji.

''Yeah, its complicated back then. But, hey now you're back!'' he says with excitement in his voice.

''Yeah i am. But is it going to make any difference? You're a star now. You can't get involved with scandals or things that will bring your 'star' down. Like what happened days ago.'' she says, sad she cannot have her friend for her own.

''You knew?'' he asks.

''Of course. It's going viral and pretty much the whole world knows except the parts where there are no internet or gadgets at all.'' she replies, lookng around his room.

And it was me who sent you the letter. Have you read it?

Eunji stops herself from saying that out loud. She decides she wants to keep it as secret; her writing to him and let him figure out it was her by himself. It's a bit fun and entertaining that way. Chanyeol suddenly snaps his fingers and stands up with a bright smile plastered on his face.

''I know! How about i introduce you to the guys?'' he suggests.

''The guys?'' Eunji asks, has no idea who 'the guys' are.

''EXO. It'll be fun. Plus, it's the only thing i could think of to make up for all these years.'' he says and half pleading.

''I don't know. It does sounds a lot of fun. But, will it be okay? I mean, can you do that? Bring a stranger and introduce her to idols? Sounds like a lot of trouble.'' Eunji replies, thinking what will really happen if S.M staffs sees her.

''Your mom's my manager. I'm going to talk to her. Don't worry. So, come tomorrow at lunchtime. Oh, and bring home-cooked meals. You can cook, right?'' Chanyeol has this fluster face on, afraid Eunji can't cook.

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