16. cute collage boy

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•Echos p.o.v•

"...." Waking up in a hospital was something normal in my past.. I use to wake up here at least once a month.

I was just a normal 16 year old girl? No, I was in the hospital because of depression, suicide attempts, beatings... Non-normal reasons!

My birthday was January 17th, so that's cool... (If I gave her a age in the past please, shush! It's going under wifi ting and I forget stuff!)

I sighed slowly sitting up. I was gonna be aloud to leave today, it was the 10th... It  sure had been some time. Almost a week! My head was hurt that bad....


I was leaving the hospital, I told them not to call my mom, and that I was getting picked up by a friend... And they listened, got some stupid reason.

I wheeled myself out, yes I was in a wheelchair because of my ankle. And that's when I saw this guy, damn he was... Mhmm...

I ignored him trying to figure out if I should call a friend or not, when he approached me.

"What are you doing alone..?" He asked.

"Ah, I just got out of the hospital.." I replied trembling, it was fucking cold!!!

"Shouldn't your mum or dad be here to get you... It's quite late..."

I cringed when he said dad. And I think he noticed.

"...did you... Lose your dad..?" He asks.

"No...." I mumble. "He left us when I was little..." I felt my heart ache. "I don't wanna talk about it.."

"I understand." He coughs, as to clear his throat. "You need a ride..? My moms in a wheel chair so..." He points to the holder on the back of his car.

"What could it hurt..?" I smile.


we pull up next to my house. "Thanks." I smile. He takes my wheelchair off the back of his car and lifts me into it passing me something as he does so.

"See you around" he smiles driving off.

I look and see it's his number. "Heh.." I sigh and roll up to my door knocking on it.

My mom opens it. "Oh! I didn't know you got out today how'd you get home?!?" She sounds worried.

"Eh, a friend.." I sighed. I felt eyes glaring at me and turned my head to see Ian across the street checking his mail.

"...." I shook my head and my mom
Rolled me in.


I woke up, January 12th. A Tuesday.

I couldn't get out of bed very well.. I had crutches and a wheel chair. What a fucking pain.


After putting on a skirt and shirt to avoid pain in my foot. I also put one sneaker on and crutched my way downstairs carefully trying not to trip.

I saw Liza and Luca. "Hm.. Hi.." I said smiling softly at them both.

I got to the bottom and my mom
Kissed my cheek. "He's taking you to school.."

I nodded.


I got out of his car crutching to the door getting stares of sorrow.

I sighed as Luca and Liza went there separate ways.

To my luck, Ian was at my locker...

I sighed going to turn around.


I turned and looked at him.

"....I'm sorry for what I did. But shouldn't you be sorry too..? You played me." He sounded sad.

"...after all the girls you've played maybe you deserved it... Toying around with girls like they're candy. We're people too." I spat.

"....Echo... You don't u-"

"You don't understand! Sure I'm sorry! I didn't want to hurt you! I planned on calling the bet off. I hated playing you. But now, I'm done. You deserve the worst!" I started crutching away in pain.

".... Echo.." I heard him whisper. "THATS NOT FAIR!"

My eyes widened and I stopped.

"I was changing! For you! I Wanted to get better for you! I was trying so hard to clean up my act. For you! And you..." He sounded pissed. "ECHO YOURE A BITCH!" He snapped.

Derek stepped infront of me. "Your ankle.." He whispered.

"It's fine.." I sighed turning towards a red faces Ian.

"I am not a female dog." I barked.

"Well maybe you are! You seem to bark like one!"

Derek ran up to him and punched him in the face knocking him out, Derek couldn't even be here! He graduated. Why was he here...?


January 13th...:

Ian came to school with a black eye... I felt bad... But.. It was my fault I admit! I'm such a dumb person!

I crutched into class, and the sight I never hoped to see again had happened. Ian.. Back with the sluts they call students.

I looked at the teacher who pointed me to a desk I could put my leg up on, and I did just that.

I sat throughout the class thinking of ways I could apologise.

"....." The bell rang. I had nothing.

I stood up and that's when I felt the pain. "AGH!" One of the girls Ian was with had just stepped on my cast. Tears prickled in my eyes.

"Sorry.." She smirked.

"No your not.." I said grabbing my crutches and leaving the room while the teacher tried to get me to the nurse. I ignored her and went to the lunch room.

I slammed the crutches down in the floor and sat down.

Liza sat across from me "echo are yo-"

"Go sit with Ian. Leave me alone." I said in pain.


"Please. Leave." I looked at her.

"..echo. I'm n-"

"If you won't leave I am." I said standing up with my crutches. It was painful.

I went through the exit of the lunch room and i saw Ian with a worried expression on his face.

I turned straight into the girls bathroom and I heard him yelling my name.

I dropped the crutches in the bathroom and broke down. Nothing was gonna be okay...

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