3. Par-tay periods

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❣Echos p.o.v❣

"Friday..." I sigh looking in the mirror. "Time to "party" or stay sober and drive your friend home..." I giggle.

I walk downstairs and wave to my mom approving of my outfit

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I walk downstairs and wave to my mom approving of my outfit.

I walk outside and see Ian getting into his black truck he smirks.

I stick my tongue out and get into my Subaru Impreza.

I pull out of the drive way and start driving to Liza's house. I arrive and she runs into the vehicle. Looking fabulous may I add.


We arrived at the party, and this ladies was not any normal party. It was as party thrown by the party King, Augustus lacon. There was over 100 different types of drinks, there was a HUGE bonfire, a swimming pool and I lake. And I'd stay away from all of it.

We got out of my vehicle and that's when I realized, Ian parked beside me. With his friends. One being Luca.

I smiles at Luca and he walks over to me, Ian and some other jocks following.

"Never thought I'd see you at a party." Luca smirks.

"Blame Liza." I smile.

"Figures." He chuckles.

"Bye!" Liza runs off.

"DAMNET LIZA!!" I yell.

Luca laughs. "NOT FUNNY!" I turn to him.

"Sure it ain't, wanna hand out with me and the guys?" He smiles welcomely.

"Uhhh.... Introduce me. I only know you and Ian." I stare at them.

"Well this is Kyle," one of the guys waved. "And this is Colby" the other waves.

"Hey, I'm Echo!" I smile.

"They go to the Dodgers prep" he continues.

"Hm, makes sense. Didn't you use to go there?" I look at Luca and he nods.

"So wanna hang out with us?" He smiles.

"Sure why not." I sighs and walk beside the guys

"If it wasn't for Liza forcing me to actually dress like a girl is blend in as a guy" I sigh.

"Sure you would." Luca laughs.

"I would!" I pout.

"Whatever shortie." He laughs.


"Yeah yeah child." He smirks.

"Oh you're done" I jump on his back Ina attempt to tackle him down but it just a ends up him running around with me on his back and me laughing.

When he puts me down I sigh. "Well, I'm gonna go now, I don't plan to drink and I know you guys so, do.. Bye!" I run off towards the bonfire.

I see a bunch of couples making out, or I think they were couples. "Ew..." I mumble.

"It's not gross it's cute!" Liza scares me.

"Yeah, to you. The one who's waited her whole life for the perfect man. Her knight in shinning armor" I roll my eyes. "This ain't a fairytale keep that in mind.

"Any progress on the dare" we sit down beside the fire.

"No, I don't think I'll make any." I sigh.

"Come on try! Oliveeee garrrddeeennn" she taunts.

"I can't say no to Olive Garden..." I sigh and stand up. "I'll make progress once he stops flirting" I point to him flirting with some brunette.

"Go in there, make her move or drop her drink. Bump into her. Get drunk live a little." Liza smirks.

"No... I'll have one... Maybe..." I walk towards the alcohol table and take a beer Ina styrofoam cup. I chug it and get another.

Liza's words repeat in my head. "Bump into her. Get drunk live a little"

I starts walking towards Liza again too frightened to try anything. I stare at the ground while walking and bump into the Brunette Ian's flirting with spilling my drink all over her.

I look up. WHAT ARE THE ODDS!!! My face turns pale white. "Sorry..." I can't help but laugh as I walk away and Liza looks at me laughing.

"OH MY!!" Liza laughs super hard the brunette staring at us.

"The worst part is I didn't mean to do it!" I laugh harder.

She stands up. "ILL GET THE DRINKS THIS TIME!" She runs to the drubs holding three cups. Two in one and and one in the other. Three.

As she's walking past Ian and the brunette she turns to them. I can just barely hear them.

"Hey guys!" Liza smile.

"Go away!" The brunette hisses.

"Uhm... No?" Liza asks.

"Go away before I make you!" The brunette sounds drunk and horny.

"I'm good!" She smiles.

The brunette goes to push her so she ales the third cup, with RED WINE in it and throws it on her. Staining her white shorts making it look like she had her period.

"OH MY GOD DID YOU JUST PEE YOURSELF AND HAVE YOR PERIOD!" Liza yells and smirks walking to me.

I sit there rolling on the floor laughing.

The brunette is embarrassed and mad.

"LIZA I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" I laugh and look at her.



I decided I'd stay late, there was near by and her parents were on a business trip so we could stay out as late as we pleased.


We started dancing to the music as I drank my 6th cup of beer.

I was getting drunk slowly as I have a high tolerance to alcohol.

I smiles and Liza went to dance with some guys.

I made my way over to the drink table. I see some guy. "Well hello hot stuff" I smile and take a sip of a beer.

"Drunk huh" the guy says.

"PFFTTT no.." I laugh.

"Then, what's my name" he asks.

"How would I know? I just mets yous!" I slur.

"It's me... Luca." He starts laughing.

"oh hey Luca!" I smile.

"So, I repeat. You're drunk?" He sighs.

"Just a bit! Did you see the girl that looked like she has her period" I start laughing.

"Yeah. What was that about?" Luca asks.

"She was flirting with Ian. I accident bumped into her and she raged so Liza decided to go and pour red wine on her" I start laughing.

"I doubt they were flirting." Luca sighs.

"They were flirting!" I say angrily

"So you like Ian?" Luca smirks.

"Pfft when did I say that?" I ask.

"You didn't." He smiles.

"Well good cause I don't, Ian's too.. Something" I start laughing and stumble away.


I wake up tucked into a bed. I sit up slowly. "Isnt this Lucas room.." I mumble and my head starts throbbing.

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