Disney Land

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"Eonnie, aren't you cold?" Yein ask me while rubbing her hands. She's right it is cold. I shouldn't ditch Tae at the first time. He usually hug me when I'm cold but, he really cross his line today! I know that he love me but he shouldn't said it in front of every one! gosh I want to kick his butt sometimes but, I love him a lot that I can't even try to*shy*

"Yeah, It's cold Yeinnie. I wish Taetae is here, he probably hug me by now." I said consciously.

"You're really something eonnie. Beside, what's your actual relationship with him? You never told me." She ask me amusedly. I want to avoid it but, she's my dongsaeng. I should tell her.

"Fine, I split it. Tae and I. We known each other since I was on mid school days. He's my neighbour to be true. He often company me when every one wasn't, he makes me laugh, and he knows everything about me. He's my hero. He kept me save, He makes me experienced love. We aware that we like each other a lot. Tae told me that he didn't want us to separate. He knows that he'll move away after he finish high school so, we made promise to each other. To never forget on each other and to keep our heart for one and another until we meet again. We cried together when that day comes." I tell her forcing a smile, Telling others story about he and I always makes me feel sad for not decided to meet him early. How I love him a lot until I'm afraid that he didn't love me anymore. He has always be by my side. so do I will always be forever by his.

"So for 4 years you never met or talk to each other?" Yein ask me in a shock face. if I'm her I probably shock as hell too. "Sadly yes."

"Than how did you know that he would come back? your not in touch to each other for a long time."

"I know cause I believe him. I know he love me."

"Woah eonnie! I didn't know you were such a romantic person!"

"Well she is! And that's why I love her a lot Yein-ssi~" What's this alien doing here? I'm still mad at him right now. Wrong timing Taetae.

"Your a romantic person to V-ssi, I shouldn't disturb you now should I?" Yein said while taking off her belt and standing up from her sit. "Where are you going?" I ask her. "The first place I should be." She said while smiling dan walking to the back sit. Sometimes I don't understand her.

"By the way V-ssi. Sujeong eonnie feel cold right now~" She said while giggling. That cute brat! What's the purpose of telling him that?

"What are you doing here?" I ask him while he's taking Yein sit. "Warming you my love~" He said with a smile, I can't never accept that smile. He hug me while rubbing my back, giving me his warmth, he always know how to break the ice of my heart. I love you Tae.

"I love you to Sujeongie~" This aline. Gladly the sit belt sigh went off already if not the flight attendants would probably killed him right now.

 Gladly the sit belt sigh went off already if not the flight attendants would probably killed him right now

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- Yein POV -

"Now what are you doing here Yeinnie?". "I don't wanna disturb Sujeong eonnie and V-ssi. They're to romantic to face." I answered him.

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