Everything falls apart

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 Before we start this chapter, Author would like to remind you that this is a fanfic, everything that happens here are base from my imagination, non of it are meant to harm, bash etc. And Author also remind you that there're a bit (lot) of harsh word here so I'm sorry for all the swearing and all.

thank you. 

- Jiae POV -

Today we're all spending our times in Universal Studio. JIN and I decided to go to the Cafeteria here and take some rest, I mean she's going to eat while I'm going to sit and sit means saving energy. I'm not that full energy every time like the Taejeong couple or Jeongin, they are so energetic, running all around and try every ride they spotted.

"Walk faster eonnie~ I'm hungry already!" JIN said dragging me to walk faster. "Yeah, yeah."

On the way there we met Jin and Yoongi, they said that they got no idea to do, they already tried all the food stand and Yoongi refuse to go on a ride, typical grandpa. What am I talking about, I'm also a grandma here.

"Why don't you guys join us and eat at the cafeteria?" JIN offer them . "Well, that's a good idea! I haven't try the food there." Jin-ssi said for agreement.I'm not bother with it to . Yoongi just nodded his head, I think his saving his energy for that.

The Jin's keep talking about their food expectation when Yoongi and I just tailing behind them. Walking slowly as we like it.

" I bet you follow her so you could sit." He said not looking at me.

"You're talking to me?" I asked Yoongi.

" Really Jiae, stop playing this game with me." He said in unamused tone. I laugh a little than I nodded my head in agreement for his statement. It's true! My energy is everything.

"We'll at least you're not alone than." He said than he walk along. I giggle at his statement. He sure is hate waisting his energy.

We sit in the corner of the cafeteria, there's a big window there so we can see the outside few. It was pretty crowded because it's on holiday season. Yoongi was sitting beside me because the Jin's busy sharing their food and talk about it. I some how felt so tired so I fall asleep.

And what didn't I realize is, I fall asleep on his shoulder.

- Yein POV -

We were eating churros before we're going for another ride. Jungkook share his churros with me. We were sitting on one of the bench near the churros stand. We're pretty lucky because there are a lot of people her and we got to sit nicely. 

"You're having fun?" He asked me while crashing my hair. He's such a lovely boyfriend. "Of course, I'm with you remember?" 

"Yes you are princess!" He said in a cute tone follow with his laugh. His smile is everything. I don't want that smile and laugh fade away.

We talk about a lot of things until suddenly his phone rings.It feels like the time stop, I feel unease and I feel like something bad happens. And I only can hear his voice. 

"Yeobseyeo, Hyung?"

"Nae jasin gwa." (Let's trust google translate/? 'yes, it's me')

"Ne?!" His eyes turn from happy to sad, he becomes teary and suddenly he's crying silently. I can see disappointment in his eyes.  

"Ne, I got it." He sound so desperate.

"Sure, Thank you for informing me."

"It's okay, I talk to my parents."

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