Long Night

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A lot of things happen today, after Jisoo eonnie video call, Mijoo eonnie and Jhope-ssi announce their relationship. I'm not very shock cause both of them spent a lot of time together.

"Yein, you okay?" Perfect timing.

"I don't know..." I said with a sign. I don't know what will happen to us. I'm aware there're nothing last forever. What if we broke up? What if the others do? What will happen to our squad after?

"Hey, you can tell me." He's such a caring person. His smile at me and stroke my hair. "Here take the hot chocolate, it's pretty cold in the night." He hand a cup of hot chocolate to me.

"Thanks oppa." I take the hot chocolate. It conformed me a little but not as conform as his hugs. 

"Now, tell me. What's the deep thought?" He sat next to me in my room's balcony. "I'm worried." I said playing with my hot chocolate.


"Us, all of us. What if something happens? What if we all got separate?"

- Jungkook POV -

She looks concern about something a lot. Her eonnies call me to talk to her.

"About?" I asked her when she said she's worrying about something.

"Us, all of us. What if something happens? What if we all got separate?" I don't want her to think like that.

"Hey, I know you concern about it but, enjoy what we have now. Let it be and let it walk past by. If faith want us to separate than we, want it or not should let it happens but if not, than there's nothing to be concern. Stay positive okay?" I encourage her a little. I hug her and stroke her back.

"Gumawo." She return my hug and snuggle on my shoulder.

"I'm here now, okay?" I said stroking my favourite hair. She nodded silently. "No worries?" I asked her confirming. "No worries." She said smiling cutely. "That's my Yein! Cheer up okay?" I squeeze her cheeks.


"Tae, we're gonna be okay right?"

"Of course we will! What's wrong Jeongie?" She seems to be worried since she got here. "A lot of things happens and Yein suddenly become gloomy..." Her eyes were fill with concern. "She'll be fine, Jungkookie's there to cheer her right?" I said while crashing her shoulder. "We'll be fine right? We're not gonna separate again right?" Her eyes. They were teary. I don't want to get separate again from her! I love her! "Of course not! I love you and I don't want that thing happens again.." I hug her tight. I don't like the idea of getting separate. "I love you okay? And we're not going to be separate again.."

"I love you too Tae."


I was walking around the beach when suddenly I heard a camera click. I turned my head and I see him there with his camera. Focusing on me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him annoyedly. "The same reason why you're here." He said not looking at me. His eyes were focus on his camera. Taking picture of the scenery.

"Wanna talk about it?" He said not looking at me. "Who are you talking to?"

"Who are you talking to?" He said in a 'duh' tone.

"What is it to talk about?" I asked annoyedly.

"Stop playing games would you? I'm trying to help here." He said in a serious tone. His eyes were flashing across mine. Capturing like his camera clicks. "I don't know Yoongi... What will happen to us?"

His face look shocks as if I caught him off guard. He suddenly shake his head like wanting to think straight. "We're gonna be okay, I know that a lot of things changes this past week but, we're gonna be okay, okay?" His voice is cracking but his face shown that he's calm. His eyes looking straight back at mine. "You sure? You seems to look concern your own." I said to him, walking near him. "I don't know my self but, we can make it sure if we believe to." He said smiling. It's kinda rare to see him smiling. "Yoongi you're smiling.." I said than returning his smile.

"What if I'd smile?" He asked laughing. "Now you're laughing.." I said again in concern this time. It's rare to see him like this, Is he okay?

"What are you worrying if I did smile and laugh?" He said smiling walking towards me. "It's rare watching you smiled and laughed to me."

"That's should be a good thing right?" He asked laughing his ass out. "You're scaring me Yoongi.."

"Did I?" He's hand reach my cheek and crashing it slowly.

"You did.."

"You said it in past so now I'm not scaring you right?" He asked again. "When will you stop playing this asking game?"

"When you're not worried about things anymore."




Small update~

I can't believe my self typing that tho... *lol*

and I want to say something..



okay that's it kekekeke...

see you next chapter bye~~~

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