Happy Birthday Yein~

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I'm so happy today~ it's Yein birthday! my ultimate bias in Lovelyz~ 

My role model birthday! can't you believe how happy am I? 

Yein eonnie I'm your fangirl, I want to confess, You're so amazing! in such a young age you manage to debut! you didn't loose hope when you got into accident. 

To be honest if I were you I would be broken a part! I'm also a ballerina just like you used to be. When I first heard about you're story I cried to be honest. You work so hard and you're passion for dancing really move my heart.

You're so beautiful and kind~ you're fan serving move my heart! today I saw a video of you walking for Dream concert rehearsal and a fanboy talks to you. You answered him happily and laughing cutely. 

Eonnie~ I wish I have an older sister like you~ you're so pretty, kind, nice, talented etc. 

Yein bonnie if I can talk to you the first thing I'll say is "I love your hair! it's so flawless and beautiful! and you hair colour omg it's so pretty!"

You're our golden maknae! Happy Birthday Yein eonnie ~ 



I'll try to update sooner~ maybe on Sunday? 

oh and don't forget to monitor my ig: lovelyz_bangtan

you'll fine me spoiler things kekeke 

you'll fine me spoiler things kekeke 

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