Special Chapter: Jisoo Video call

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"OMG eonnie come here, fast!" Yein yell as loud as possible.

"Wae, wae, wae..." Mijoo shout from the bathroom, brushing her teeth. "Jisoo eonnie video call me!" Yein said while showing her phone.

"What?! Guys palli gather it's Jisoo!" Mijoo yell at their hotel hall."Who's Jisoo?" Suga said while pooping his head from his room."Our friend!" Jiae answered running to Yein and Sujeong room's.

The squad gather in Yein and Sujeong room's I don't know how all of them fits there. 

"Hey Guys! Woah.. new squad?" Jisoo said in amused from Yein phone.

BS  : "Annyeong Jisoo~ how's England?"

JS  : " Great! My whole family gather here! Oh and I met my mom best friend son, he's handsome!"

JIN : "Look who's talking about boys now~"

JS   : "Yeah, look who's gathering with seven boys in a room!"

RM : "Woah your friend here know what to say~ "

JS  : "Nice to meet you too, Jisoo the name!"

YN  : "Who's the boy eonnie?"

JS   : "Joshua is the name! Gosh he's so handsome, and kind~"

V     : "Wait, Joshua as Hong Jisoo?"

JS   : "Yeah! how do you know him?"

V     : "His a cousin of mine, our birthday's the same."

SJ   : "Small world in deed.."

JS  : "So, mind telling me who are they?" Jason ask the girls.

SG  : "Ne, we're BTS, we're here having a vacation with your friends Jisoo-ssi."

JS  : "Nice to meet you too,.."

SG : "Suga."

V    : "I'm Taehyung! V is okay~"

JS  : "Wait! Taehyung as Kim Taehyung? Sujeong long lost boyfriend?"

YN : "Eonnie, you know?"

JS : "Of course! She's crying all night long about it!"

V   : "Really? My Sujeongie cried?"

JM : "Like you're not cried~"

JS  : "I missed a lot of thing am I? Now what's new again? Yein got a boyfriend?"

JK : "You told her Yeinnie?"


JH : "Chill girl, they are dating..."

JS : "What the fudge happens?"

JS : "Don't you dare hurt my maknae!"

JK : "Of course not! I love my Yein!"

JA : "I think I'm about to throw up.."

SG : "Me too girl, me too..."

JS : "Who else in relationship?"

JH : "We are!" Jhope said while hugging Mijoo.


JH : "But now you do~"

BS : "Is he telling the true Mjoo?"

MJ : "He is..." Mijoo said shyly.

JSH : "Jisoo, eomma's calling!"

JS   : "Joshua, come here! meet my friends!"

JSH : "Oh, hai guys! wait, Taehyung?"

V       : "Hey bro~ small world in deed!"

JSH  : "You little brat! skipping family reunion so you could hangout with your girlfriend! You're so dead I'm gonna tell your mom!"

V : "NO!"

JS omma : "Guys! come here fast! both of you!"

JSH & JS : "Gotta blast! Bye guys~"

Banglyz : "Bye!"

- end call -

"Well that's nice, now tell me, Jhope, why are you hidding things from us?" Rapmon ask Jhope as the phone ends.

"We're not ready to tell you guys but, after watching the maknae's we're decided to tell you.."

"Forgive us.." Mijoo said tighten her hand grip to Jhope. 




Who miss Jisoo? Don't hate her okay? with out her there's no Lovelyz <3

Hehehe I'm dragging Joshua in~ 

What's the name? Seventeen~~~

bye~ love u

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