Spending the Day in Airport

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 Today's entering day 7 we're going to the airport to go to Malaysia. Mr.Sejin said that we will spend three days there and than spend the last days in Singapore.

I just can't wait to go to there. My eonnies and I really want to go to the beach. Mr. Sejin told us we're going to spend our times in Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur and than Johor. He said that we can cross the narrows ( I don't exactly know the English let's just trust google translate/?) to Singapore from Johor.

 He said that we can cross the narrows ( I don't exactly know the English let's just trust google translate/?) to Singapore from Johor

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"Yein, help me with the baggage check-in." Baby soul eonnie said to me while lifting her suit-case. "Okay eonnie!"

I run a little towards her from the others and help her lifting the suit-case. It's kinda heavy and there are still a lot of suit-case to lift.

"Yein help me with the suit-cases I need to fill in registration." Well this is going to be hard. Thank God I'm just helping soul eonnie. I can't imagine being her all the time with all the stuff I hate.

"Anything for you eonnie, if you need help just ask me okay?" I said to her felling sorry for my childish attitude all this time.

"Thanks Yeinnie." She said while filling our registration with Rapmon-ssi and Mr.Sejin.

"Ya, Jungkookie! help Yein-ssi with all of this suit-cases. You're stronger than her. Help her!" Yell Rapmon-ssi torward Jungkook. Jungkook seems shock. He didn't notice I was caring all the suit-cases one by one cause he's playing with Taehyung-ssi.

"OhMyGod! Yein! why didn't you tell me? Your poor little small arms could break lifting this!" He said angrily but much more like worriedly.

He snatch the suit case I'm lifting than do all the work as fast as I'll never be. What is he? Actually I doubt that he's a human.

"Done! now you are going to sit there politely with the others and I'll do the dirty work. Do you copy me Jung Yein?" He said with a playing tone.

"Sir, yes sir!" I said to him playing my roles.

-Jiae and Suga at Airport-

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-Jiae and Suga at Airport-

JIN eonnie and Jin-ssi brought cupcakes from the airport bakery they said they were hungry already and they're not in the mood to eat food plane. "Yeinnie here have some!" JIN eonnie offering me her tempting chocolate cupcake on her hand. Of course I want it!

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