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I'm walking fast to the parking load, I can't stand in this crowd place, Yein was just walking behind me and all of sudden she's gone! why is this girl always gone?

I'm angry at my self! why didn't I keep her save in the first place? I'm looking for her all over the place we went, I even go back to the stand where we bought Takoyaki together.

Yein might be gone to a quite place. I'm walking to the street near the parking load, she might be near there, beside the last time I saw her it's near that place.

- Yein POV -

Let's just go to a quite place, so Jungkook could easily found me here.I know he would beside, he's the one who found me at the first place.

It's getting noon now and my phone didn't work, if it's work I could called my eonnies. I didn't even have his number! Don't panic Yein you'll be okay.

"Yein!" He's here, he found me! His face looks worried, his hair are drought with sweat, he's breathing short.

"Why were you always lost? You worried me much! didn't you know I was looking for you all over the place?" He said in speed, his voice was raspy cause of all the running he's done. He once again hug me.

"I knew you'll fine me, I'm sorry for making you worried much oppa." I said hugging him back. His hearth beat's fast. Must be from all the running.

We're walking back to the parking load and the others were nagging on us for coming late

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We're walking back to the parking load and the others were nagging on us for coming late. We suit our self and sat next to each other quietly .They keep nagging us and teasing us cause Jungkook keep holding on my hand. He said that if he let go of my hand he lose me again. We exchange our phone numbers and talk about stuff while eating food that the Jin's couple brought.

Jungkook was listening to something all the way to the hotel, He sometimes cheek on me while I'm talking to my eonnies. I was talking to Kei eonnies when suddenly he pull me closer to him. His action sure does made Kei eonnie shocks. I eye him with a question looks but he keeps smiling on me. He plug off one of his ear phones and pugging it on my ear.

I knew this melody, it's BigBang, Taeyang - Eyes,nose,lips. He lend my head down to his shoulder and tighten his hand grip. I don't know about him but, why is he always making me misunderstood things? I'm not ready. I can't say it yet. His heart beats calm me. He close his eyes while smiling cutely. I bet he could see me blushing.

i've fallen a sleep by his arm as the melody keep flouting.

"Jung Yein,—"

- Jungkook POV -

After what happen today, after I lost her for the second time. My mind went wild. I got this feelings to keep her save. To keep her right beside me, always.

This isn't right, right? This isn't the real me. I have to make sure about things. Things that is impossible to be true.

I hate girls but, why, how? How did she make it all easy of me just like that? We argue a lot. We childishly fight a lot. But we share the same problem. We also have a lot of common. Things suddenly went easy for us. Is it possible for me to like her? She capture me just like that. It's unusual. Did I just committed that I fallen for her?

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