Kim Mingyu

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"Why are you crying Yein?" He ask me, wiping my tears with his cold thumbs.

"I'm lost. Mingyu.. Why did you just shown up now? Where are you all this time? Do you know how worried I am? I asked him worriedly. He always makes me worried with his stupid act.

"Aye, sister~ no hug or kiss? After half and a year not meeting me you still nagging on me?" Meet my step stupid brother, Kim Mingyu.

"Really Gyu? You're here in Singapore all the time? Do you know how mom and dad will react if they found out you're here all the time?"

"They're definitely gonna kill me." He answered with his gummy smile. How can he smiled like that when the whole family company freak out this past year after founding the next heir run away.

"I'm so gonna kill you!" I said standing on my feet. I suddenly felt no worries. My brother is here so I'm gonna be okay.

"Kiss me first before you kill me~" Have I told you that my brother is a total flirt? Yes, Jungkook and Him are definitely one type.

I kiss him fast on his cheek and give him an eye. "Fears as always~ so sis, why are you here?"

"On my vacation.."

"Alone? Why didn't you called me? I could have been tour you around!"

We walk side by side catching up a bit. "Called you my ass! I don't have your contact you dumb!" I smack his head. "Right.. stupid me~" He said laughing, he's so joking right now.

"It's okay Gyu, I'm here with some friends." I said. "Tour?"


"So, where do you live now?" I asked him worriedly , He really is disappear with out a clue, no credit history, and anything.

"I buy an apartment near here, I got some friends to help me escape, I got a job here, you know I'm not that stupid, I finish my degree on business management right? A great company accept me here."

"You sure is smart." I said messing his hair around.

"I know~"

"Why didn't you just come back and work at dad's company?" I asked him. We enter Starbucks and get a sit there. "You know me right Yeinnie? I don't want to meet him."

"I know.. but can you at lease try? For me.." I said follow with a deep sigh. "You know what, why don't you live here with me? That way you won't miss me~"

"I can't, mom and dad count on me now Gyu, I don't want to disappoint them."

"Aye~ such a caring daughter, while me here, an Asshole brother who leave his sister alone with the puppet maker." Gyu said with a really apologise voice. "It's okay Gyu, you're not an Asshole, you protect me since I was six, now it's my time to return your favour." I said holding his hand.

"Thank you sister, I know I can count on you, here give me your phone, contact me if there's any problem, I'll be there okay?" He gave me his phone numbers and we talk about things we missed.

"So you'll go home 3 days from now?"

"Yup. Hey, don't be sad.. I'll visit you on my free time~" I said cheering him up.

"As if you'll get one! Mom and dad won't let you..." He said sadly than hug me tight. "I'll miss you Sister, I always do.."

"Me too..." I return his hug.

"Yein!" I broke our hug and look behind me. Jungkook, panting hard form running, his worried face broke into anger.


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