Busy Morning

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 "Morning to you too.." The first thing I said first in the morning.

"Can't you wake me up in a normal way, rather than—"

"Giving you morning kiss? nu-uh I love this way more!" He said with a cute bunny smile. He got that cute baby dimples cause he smiles a lot.

"We fall asleep aren't we?"

"We did~" Why is he happy so sudden? "Jeon Jungkook, what's with the happy face?"

"I don't know, I just love seeing you first in the morning." This cute creepy bunny! I swear he can see my blush now. "Cute." He said pinching my cheeks than hop off from the bed. "Come on, let's get ready than meet the other." He dash to the bathroom.

"Jeon! get out from my room! get shower on your own room!" I bang the bathroom door cause surely he lock it. "But I don't wanna disturb TaeJeong couple~" He said than I heard the shower running. Biscuit! He's showering already.

"I hate you!" I scream out loud to him. But of course I'm just kidding, I love him. even if sometimes I mean a lot of time he's being a flirt, biscuit, pervert, etc.

"I love you too~" He sang from the bathroom. Gosh he's something.

I wait for my turn to go shower so I play with my phone. Scrolling to my SNS. I found a photo of Jiae eonnie on the explore. Some one toke a picture of her on the beach. I open the acc owner and it's seems that Suga-ssi is the owner of the acc. He took a lot of beautiful picture. Jiae eonnie should know about this. My stalking habit suddenly on again. I stalk Suga-ssi acc and I found pictures of Jungkook and the others. Cute.

I stalk again and I found Jungkook acc. I open his and I had a little bit lot of shock. His last post was my sleeping face! It must be form last night! I kill that boy later. I continue stalking my own boyfriend kekeke.

He's so cute. I found this video of him dancing. I never knew he could dance like this. I'm such a bad girlfriend. I know a little thing about him. I should get to know him more. I end up stalking him until the bathroom door suddenly open.

I bet my eyes are bigger than D.O EXO right now. My eyes are so dirty right now. Why for kookie sake. He's hair are still drought wet and he's shirt less expect the towel he use to cover his lower part.

"Please wear a shirt I beg you!" I said covering my eyes with the blanket. "Why? Don't you like your hot boyfriend here?" He ask with his flirty voice. "Gosh Jeon if there's no body out side of my room I'll be kicking you out right now! Why don't you wear a shirt or something?!"

"I'm clean as hell right now babe, I don't want to wear my dirty clothes." I can hear his step going towards me. "Wait here! I'll get you your clothes!" I stand up in a rush and goes to his room ASAP before he do something else. 

I knock the door harshly until Sujeong eonnie opens it. "Oh, It's Yeinnie~". "You've just got up?" I asked her eyeing on her from feet to head. "Yeah.. Tae keep cuddle me till I'm to lazy to wake up.." She said shyly. "Aw.. you guys are so sweet~ now, can I go in? I need to take Jungkook clothes before he walks around shirt less." I said in a dash than enter the room with out permission. I open his suit case and take his clothes. "You look like a wife Yein-ssi.." Taehyung-ssi said while he's hugging Sujeong eonnie. They are so un separate. "*laugh* Funny V-ssi, You your self looks like a marriage couple." I tease them and dash off from the room "Have fun guys~" I shouted from the hall. They're blushing like hell right now.

"Finally! I waited for a long time. I think I'm gonna die.."

"Stop whining and wear your clothes. I'm gonna take a shower." I said to him than take my fresh clothes before I goes in. I'm not that crazy like him to walk around half naked.

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