First Date

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After the 'Hyung'  incident happened, Jugkook and I become more open to one another. We repair our relationship. He's become more open to me. We share a lot of stories together. We have a lot of commond, both of us have passion for dancing. He was shock at first when I told him that I'm a ballerina. He said that he's lucky to date a passionate dancer, all trough it's the other way around. I'm the lucky one. He's a great dance, he've been learning dancing his whole life. I was amazed when he told me he learn a few type of dancing in America.

We're now in the hotel's lobby. Mr.Sejin told us we have a free schedule this afternoon, we free to walk and shop the whole day on orchard rood. Jungkook and I, we want to spend our time together today so, we excuse our self to go on a date. The others tease us a little but they let us go.

"Take a good are of our maknae okay?" Mijoo eonnie said.

"Of course I will." Jungkook said than he hold my hand. "I'll protect what's mine~" He whisper to me. My blood sure is boiled inside. He drag me away from the other. We reach the street. He hold my hand tighter. "Ice cream?" He show me he's cute bunny smile. That eye smile tho. "Let's go!" I answered him happily. We walk side by side. He swing our hands back and front. "I'm so lucky~" He sang happily. He's sweet voice. "*Laugh* why?" I asked him. "I'm spending my first date in Singapore with the girl I love~"

"Well I'm also lucky than, I'm spending the day with the person I love

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"Well I'm also lucky than, I'm spending the day with the person I love." I said smiling on my own.

He mess with my hair while giggling about it. "Hey! I took 30 minutes for this hair!" I said slapping his hand away from my head.

"I know, you're trying to impress me aren't you?" He said with a smirk on his face. "N-no.. "

"Oh! you are! you're shuttering~ so cute!" He pinch my cheek and laugh his ass out. "I hate you! come on let's just get the ice cream." I walk faster leaving him behind. "Yeah, sure." He said with his teasing sound. "Argh! what's with the no teasing promise?" I said when he catch me around. "That's over yesterday~"

We finally found an ice cream bar after walking for 15 minutes.It sure is a long walk if it's with him and his teasing mood.

"One chocolate ice cream, please." He order in a cute accent to the old grandpa ."What flavour do you want Yeinnie?". He ask me, of course in Korea. "Green tea, my favourite."

"And one green tea ice cream please."He said again in a cute English accent. 

"Are you guys on your honeymoon? It's rare to see Korean here." Surprisingly the ice cream man is a Korean. "Oh! ahjussi (uncle), you're Korean?" Jungkook said in amused. Ignoring the fact that the ahjussi he amused with said that we're on honeymoon.Nice.

"Young man, just call me Grandpa, it's nice to talk to young Koreans." Grandpa said.

"We're on our summer vacation Grandpa." Jungkook said cheerfully. "Oh, please Young man, don't lie to Grandpa. There are a lot of young married couple this day~"

"Aye~ no we're not grandpa, we're here with our friends too, it's just that we want to have our time together." I said, trying to straight things. "Couple's this day, you guys look cute together tho." Grandpa said.

"Thank you grandpa, she's pretty isn't she?" Jungkook said. If he's trying to make me blush. It's definitely work. "Yes she is. Young lady, it seems like your boyfriend here is such a tease.." Grandpa said jokingly while giving us the ice cream he's preparing. "Thank you for your understanding grandpa." I said for agreement. "Aye, don't be like that, you know that that's the way I show my love for you~" Jungkook said defending his self.

"Oh, forget you~ Thank you for the ice cream grandpa!" I said to Jungkook than ignore his whine, I better thank Grandpa. "You guys amused me! take the ice cream for free, take it as my thank for speaking with me, it's been long since I talk to Koreans." Grandpa said than he laugh at us. Really grandpa, we're amusing?

"Thank you than," I said smiling to him, better not take this conversation longer before my ice cream melts.

"Thank you than," I said smiling to him, better not take this conversation longer before my ice cream melts

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"Bye-bye grandpa!" Jungkook and I said than we went out from the ice cream bar.

"Next destination?" I ask Jungkook while eating my ice cream. "Let's just walk until our ice cream finish, we can't get into the mall with this ice cream right?"

"Right." Sometimes he can be smart as an ass but he's still is a dork for me.

"Thinking about me now?" He sure is a mind reader.

"I'm not a mind reader okay? stop thinking that I'am"

"Wait! than how did you know I think about that?"

"It shown from your face pabo." Really? Pabo he said?

"Fine!" I said than walk faster to the crowd. I know I sound paranoid but really Jeon?

I left him behind. He won't loose me right?

After I'm out from the crowd I look behind and I found him not there. Oh no, Where is he? Stupid Yein!

I sat on the nearest bench there and open my phone. Dang! No signal! This is bad new. I'm in the middle of another country now. What should I do? Yein, you pabo! Jungkook is right, I'm pabo. I shouldn't leave him like that. He can easily get back but me? I don't know what to do. I need him. Why did I leave him in the first time? I'm so stupid.

"Jungkook.. I'm sorry.. please come back. I'm scare.. Jungkook... where are you.." I said to my self. I'm such a baby. Why am I crying. People will look at me as I'm a crazy woman.

Why am I always lost?

I look down crying silently so no one could hear me.

"Yein?" I heard a familiar voice calling my name. My eyes was teary and I can only see a pair of black converse.

I look up and saw his face. It's him. He's here.




"Kim Mingyu..."

kekeke I'm the worse am I? any loveteen here? 

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kekeke I'm the worse am I? any loveteen here? 

I know, I know, ILY too kekekeke 

I'm so evil, So.. bye~

See you on the next chapter~

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