Big Brother

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Today's entering day 11, on day 10 they spent the day in Lego land. They have so much fun yesterday. They also took the squad photo there. Today they'll going to cross the narrow to Singapore


"JIN! help me with the suit-case." Jiae eonnie called me for help. We're now packing our stuff to move to another hotel in Singapore.

"Wait there eonnie, I have to take our chargers in the coffee table!" I dash to the coffee table than take the chargers after than I run to help Jiae eonnie.

We've done our packing and gather in the lobby to wait for the others. "Myungeun-ssi!" I saw Jin oppa walking toward me from the elevator. "Morning oppa!" Yeah, we drop the formality since he's older than me, he said I should call him oppa. "Have you eat yet? I brought some snacks last night, let's share it!" He open his bag and hand me some snacks. He really is love to eat. "Thank you oppa." I said than share the snack with him. "So, now your an oppa I see..." Suga-ssi said teasingly. It's kinda embarrassing since it's the first time I said that to somebody. "So? She's younger than me so she can called me oppa, not like you and Jiae-ssi cause you guys born in the same year~" Jin oppa said teasing both of them.

"Oh seriously now you brought me to the argue?" Jiae eonnie protested. This is gonna be a long day.

- Yein POV -  (Taylor Swift- Red)

"Tired?" Jungkook plays with my hair as I lend my head on his shoulder. "Sleepy.." He held my hand and play with it. "Than sleep, we still got an hour." He said crashing my hair slowly. I hummed for the answered than close my eyes slowly. I can hear his heart beats calming me. Save. That's how I felt. I once again fall in love. I know I'm already his, it's just I can't keep my self for loving him more. His caring side always melt my heart.

"I love you." He whisper. I still close my eyes but I'm smiling. "I love you too." He hug me and I fall asleep.

- Jungkook POV -

I watch her as she's asleep. I want to make sure nothing happens when she's asleep. She's my number one priority right now. Keeping her save is the way I show her how much I love her. I know I sound overprotective but, I believe she can take care things by her own. It's just that if I can protect her, why not? I'll protect what's mine and I'll love it with all my heart. "I love you, I really am. I'll protect you and I'll make you happy. Just don't leave me and stay beside me okay?" I whisper her words that she would never heard. She's sleeping. Man, I love her.

The whole journey to our new hotel fills with her on my thought. I don't mind what the other do.


My phone suddenly rings. I pick it up not minding to read the ID caller. "Yeobseyeo?". "Jungkook-ah."

I break my tears as I heard his voice. It's hyung. After all this years without contact. He finally called me. He never pick up his phone.


"Are you crying Jungkook-ah?"

I just can't handle my tears. "Hyung.. I miss you.."

"I miss you too Jungkook-ah, How's mom and dad?" He's voice is calm as e knows that I miss him a lot. Hyung is my hero till now. Mom and Dad always busy working at home but hyung is there. He keep accompany me. He's the one who teach me to play the piano, to draw, to sing, and all those stuff that I couldn't handle. He's more like a parent that a hyung.

"Busy, they're healthy and they're not fitting anymore."

"That's a good news right?" I heard him chuckle a little after saying that. "Yeah hyung, they're fine now."

"How bout you Jungkook-ah?" Me? I'm broken to pieces when you're gone hyung, but now I'm happy. I met a lot of nice guys that take care of me and I just met my love.

"I'm fine hyung, how are you?"

"Good, I'm okay here."

"Hyung, when will you go home?" I asked him. Thinking repeatedly about it. "Soon." He said that too when he was about to go.

"Hey, cheer up okay? Hyung is working hard here in the Military, I'm so sorry that I just call you Jungkook-ah. It's pretty hard for us this past years." I know hyung, I also watch television now. "I know hyung.."

"Where did they put you now hyung?"

"Things got easily for me now, they let me to stay in the base. You know with all the paper work. I used to be on filed tho." After all this time, he sounds happy again. "I'm happy for you hyung." I said happily.

"You sound happy too.. mind telling me something?" I miss the interrogating hyung. "Back with the old you I guess hyung *Laugh* I met this guys, half years after they called you for duty. They are all nice to me and they take care of me just like how you did hyung. They are all like my own brothers. I'm the youngest amount them. They all talented just like you hyung.. They help me with my dance, sing even rap hyung.. they also teach me how to produce songs. They also help me with my study. You should meet them someday hyung."

"You seems happy aren't you? I have to thank this guys as soon as possible. But it seems like there's something else you want to said, am I right?" He know's me so well.

"You know me so well hyung *laugh*"

"So, tell me.."

"I meet this girl-"

"Oh! It's a girl? oh I see now~ You've known love~"

"Hyung let me finish first."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just so excited that my lil bro-"



"Her name is Yein, she's amazing hyung. She's so my type, wait! My type is your type too.. Hyung! don't you dare steal her! she's mine okay?"

"Where did you get that overprotective things? *laugh* of course not! I will not steal her. So, is she yours already?"

"She is~"

"I can even imaging you smiling right now, I'm happy for you Jungkook-ah, take a good care of her and don't break her heart, okay?"

"Of course I will!" I heard a voice calling my hyung from the other line. It must be his duty call. "Hey lil bro, My time is up, I gotta go now okay? I'll call you as soon as possible." I know you would.

"Okay, I love you hyung~"

"Love you too, take care okay?" After that the phone line dead.

I miss him. I wish he's okay there.

"Jungkook.." She's a wake already? "How's your sleep?"

"Not so good after I heard my boyfriend cried." Wait she's awake that long? "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry for overhearing your conversation..." She said guiltily. "Hey, it's okay, I want to tell you about him anyway. He's great isn't he?" I said while crashing her cheek, making her see trough my eyes.

"He is, I'm sorry Jungkook." She said bragging to my hug. I felt my shirt getting wet. She's crying? "Hey, don't cry. I said it's okay right?"

"No it's not. You've been trough a lot of things alone." She cried over me? "Hey, the past is in the past. Beside, there're my hyungs here, and now there's you. I'm not alone now right?"

"Yes, you're right. You're not alone now. I'm here and I'll always be here." This makes me realize that I am not alone.

"Thank you." I tighten my hug.      




Hey, surprise...

It's JIN Birthday and BTS 3 years debut~ OMG!

OH HAPPY DAY~ (Taetae voice)

I'm not inserting pictures for now, my eyes are too tired to look for one in my deep Banglyz photos edit kekeke

Sorry for typo and all. I just type this like 15 minutes 



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