Amethystglimmer was talking to Ross in the nursery, but then started kitting.
[Amethystglimmer, enough with the kitting!]
{I'm ignoring you.}
Ross leaped up in surprise, screeching for Moonmoon or one of her apprentices. "Help! Help! Amethystglimmer is in labor!"
"AHHH!" Amethystglimmer screamed in pain.
Halfway across the camp, Brightpaw jumped up, squealing in delight. "Yay! I medicine cat mission! I can finally prove myself!"
Shadepaw narrowed his eyes at Brightpaw. "No, that's not a medicine cat mission, it's a flying squirrel!"
[Your sarcasm sucks.]
(Not as much as you do.)
Brightpaw brushed past the sarcastic tom and bounded into the medicine cat den. "Shadepaw, you're horrible at sarcasm! It makes me look better! Yay me!"
Shadepaw growled. "Stop getting so excited!"
"NEVER! Now come on, let's get some catmint from Moonmoon to help Amethystglimmer!" He skipped toward the medicine cat and cheerfully took the herbs she was sorting right out of her jaws.
Redpaw walked over slowly, flashing a sweet grin at Brightpaw and Shadepaw. "Hi, what are you guys up to? Can I help?"
Brightpaw jumped up and down, very excited. "Sure! Sure! More paws to help! We will totally kit Amethystglimmer correctly! She won't be injured at all!"
Shadepaw looked at Redpaw, then glanced away with heat crawling onto his face. "Let's go, you stupid and idiotic furballs."
[That wasn't even sarcastic, that was just rude.]
(Insulting people is a gift.)
Amethystglimmer somehow remained unscathed despite having been kitting without assistance for a good five minutes while the apprentices had chatted. "They-they're coming!"
The medicine cat apprentices did some magical medicine cat apprentice things and delivered Amethystglimmer's kits without a problem. She gave birth to eight kits, four toms and four she-kits.
(What's with all the kits?)
{I like naming them :D}
"The red tom is Andesinekit, the blue tom is Lapiskit, the yellow tom is Citrinekit, the orange tom is Opalkit, the pink she-cat is Spinelkit, the green she-cat is Jadekit, the white she-cat is Diamondkit, and the black she-cat is Onyxkit." Amethystglimmer named them all, looking down lovingly.
[Amethystglimmer, stop naming them all after gemstones.]
{But gemstones are pretty!}
[Fine, suit yourself.]
Strictmoon walked into the nursery. "ROSS! STOP BEING A LAZY FORMER ROGUE AND GO ON PATROL!"
Ross licked a paw. "No."
Strictmoon growled. "Then get out."
Ross gave him an are-you-serious look. "You're not the leader, I don't take orders from you.
Strictmoon hissed and stormed off to yell at someone else.
(Ross is such a jerk.)
[Look who's talking.]
Redpaw looked at Amethystglimmer's kits. "I wonder who the father is."
Glodhart waklde niot the nruesry. "Dey r totllie mnie!"
Twistersoul got angry when he heard Goldheart talking about his mate. A thunderstorm crackled overhead as he tackled him. "No, they're my kits! I know because I can read minds!
Volebelly joined the argument, tripping because of his potbelly. "Nmmooo, themmmy amre mmy kerts!" He yowled with a mouthful of prey.
Teafur walked in. "What are you all talking about? I have proof those kits are mine!"
Cats started fighting while Amethystglimmer and the apprentices ran as far away as possible.
Messyear leaped into the center of the battle. "Hey guys! Guess what! I just killed a butterfly!"
[Messyear, you just ruined everything. I'm leaving this roleplay.]
(Me too.)
{Count me out.}
This weird and random chapter was written by Feather
The Ballad Of The MoonClan Roleplay
RandomWe've all seen some cliché and terrible roleplays. This spoof is going to pick fun at those wretchedly awful roleplays! Follow the adventures of lots of cliché cats controlled by idiotic twolegs as they slowly break the fourth wall! Cover made...