Chapter Four

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For lunch Frank made me a salad. I think I had breakfast close to 11:30, and now it was 2:30. He told me it was the size that most people would eat, but it still looked like a lot. He also told me I wasn't allowed to get up until I ate at least three quarters of it. I thought that was unfair, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

So far, Mikey didn't care that Frank was over. But he was wondering why me and Frank were sat down in the kitchen and why I was crying about eating a salad.

"Would someone like to tell me what's going on?" Mikey asks hesitantly. Mikey doesn't know about my eating habits, and I honestly don't want him to know. It's embarrassing enough that I'm crying over a fucking salad.

"You probably want to leave," Frank said.

"Yeah, I think you're right." Mikey decided to walk to his friend's house which left Frank and I alone together.

"You haven't eaten half of this yet," Frank pointed out.

"I know," I say. I took another bite and chewed it up really small before swallowing it. Eventually he let me stop. At least it was just salad and not breakfast again. I still didn't want to eat this much.

"You look really tired," he says.

"I am really tired," I say as I look up at him. He has dark circles under his eyes and his face is paler than usual. I say, "You look really tired too."

"We could go take a nap," Frank suggests. I agree and we go and lay back down on my bed. I face the wall and try to fall asleep. I feel Frank wrap his arms around me and pull me closer.

I don't know why, but I enjoy cuddling with Frank. It's just so pleasant to have someone this close to me as I try to sleep. It's comforting to feel his light breath on the back of my neck and to know that he cares.

I fall asleep but wake up an hour later. I feel a lot more rested and a bit more mentally stable now. Why the fuck was I crying about salad earlier? Frank's still asleep, and I'm sure that if I try to get up he'll pull me closer like he did this morning.

This time instead of trying to get up I snuggle closer to him. I love the feeling of his body heat. It's just so pleasant.

His arms feel so good wrapped around me. I don't want this to ever end. But he wakes up.

"You awake?" he asks quietly. If I had been asleep it wouldn't have woken me up. He's so sweet.

"Yeah, " I whisper back. Neither of us move. I can tell he's just as comfortable as me.

"Are you still concerned about your weight?" he asks me.

"Yes," I admit. I'm not going to lie to him. He's my only close friend and I don't want to lie to him about something stupid.

"Let's make a deal: You eat food, but I help you burn calories," Frank explains.

"I'll try to eat," I decide. I don't want to gain weight, but if this is important to Frank then I'll try to make it important to me. I just have to burn more calories than I take in.

I check the time. It's 4:00pm. It will be a while before Frank makes me eat dinner; especially since we ate every meal late today since we slept in.

"We can figure out ways to burn calories now," Frank says.

"Okay," I agree. We stay laying the way we are, but think of different ways for me to burn calories. He agrees that he'll do the same amount of exercise as I do. Looks like he's going to be getting more than he bargained for.

We think of things to do like running, biking, jumping jacks and stuff like that. We look up different workouts, and he hesitantly lets me look up workouts for weight loss. I think he's happy as long as I'm eating something.

I decide that I want to go for a run and Frank says he'll go with me. We end up running around the block a little, but after that we start walking since we're both out of breath.

"It's actually really nice out," I notice.

"Yeah you're right," Frank says. He seems to be walking closer to me now, which makes sense since we're talking quietly.

"Do you realise how much I'm going to have to exercise if I'm going to lose weight?" I ask him, still panting a little. I don't usually run.

"I just want you to understand that you don't need to lose weight. In fact I think you'll be healthier if you gain weight," Frank explains to me. Why would more weight ever be better?

"You're wrong," I say. And we stop walking. Actually, he stops walking and I copy him.

"No, you're wrong. You look so good, you have no idea," he says.

"And I look this way because of the way I eat. If I continue I'll look even better," I say, trying to explain to him why he is incorrect. I'm stubborn but so is he.

"Gerard, you are not only the one who is wrong but now you're being stupid. I find you attractive no matter what your weight. I'm your friend," he says.

"Why would you find someone as fat as me attractive?" I ask.

"You are so fucking stupid. You really can't take a hint, can you?" Frank says as he places his hands on my shoulders. He leans his head close to mine and presses his lips against mine.

The kiss is short but sort of sweet. I wasn't expecting it, but it was pleasant I guess. I've never kissed a guy before, but I don't see a problem with it. I've always suspected that I'm bisexual anyways. And it appears Frank is too.

(A/N): Thanks kellic_howlter for mentioning me at the beginning of one of their oneshots and making me a cover for my story. Anyone reading this that hasn't already read their stories go read some of their stories because they're better than this one.

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