Chapter Sixteen

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At the end of the school day Mikey gets in the car and Frank decides to go to my house. Hopefully today he doesn't yell at me. Having the person I care about the most yell at me was the worst feeling.

We get to my house and me and Frank go upstairs after Mikey tells us "to not get too gay" and he ends up sitting in the living room.

I close my bedroom door behind us and I sit on my bed with him next to me. I just look at him for a while. He just looks so perfect.

He isn't perfect. He isn't as thin enough to be perfect. But I love him. I don't care how he looks. He seems perfect to me. Just because something seems like it's one way doesn't mean it's not a different way. That is a good point I guess. But Frank is fine the way he is and I don't mind if he isn't extremely thin.

In fact, I would still love him even if he were to gain a lot of weight. It's Frank. I don't think I could ever hate him for how he looks. I don't know if I could ever hate anyone based on their looks alone.

That's a lie. No it isn't. Why would I ever hate someone based on their looks? On this entire planet who is your least favorite person. Probably myself. And why is that? Because I'm fat and ugly. Exactly.

"Babe, you're being really quiet are you okay?" Frank asks me.

"I'm fine," I say.

"Have you eaten anything today?" he asks me. I can't help but glare at him. Tell him the truth. Okay.

"No, thank God. Otherwise I'd be a fucking whale," I say.

"Babe, you need to eat," he says, almost in a whiny voice. Since when does he call me babe? I guess that doesn't matter.

"Food is for the weak. I can go without it," I say confidently. You're right. Stay strong. I know I can stay strong.

"If food is for the weak then does that make me weak?" Frank asks me. I really don't want to argue with him after what happened yesterday, but I'm also stubborn. Yes he is weak.

"Well, you're strong in other ways. Ways that I'm not. It balances out," I say. That's a lie. He's weak. He is not. He doesn't need to be strong around food. He looks amazing. But he could still be thinner...

"Okay... What do you want to do?" Frank asks me, changing the subject. I'm so glad that he decided to change the subject because that's something I am not strong enough to do. That's what makes you strong. You always want to prove your point. Yeah, but proving my point isn't going to help me now.

"I... I don't know. I think I just want to kiss you right now," I say, blushing slightly. If we're kissing that means we aren't arguing.

"Okay," he whispers as he leans in, pressing his lips against mine. I love this so much. I am so glad I decided to forgive him. You mean that I let you forgive him. I could have forgiven him without you letting me. Don't be sassy with me. Do you want to be thin or not? I do... Sorry Ana.

I decide to focus more on the feeling of Frank's lips moving against mine than anything else right now. Our lips feel perfect together. I feel his tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I obviously allow. I don't think I would ever not want to make out with him.

His tongue slips inside my mouth as I part my lips for him and I let him take most of the control. No, you need to be more dominant. If he's doing all the work then you're burning less calories than him. Shit, she's right.

I move so that I'm on his lap so I have an easier time getting more control over the kiss, but I don't let my lips leave his. I feel Frank almost smile against my lips. I try to get my tongue inside of his mouth, but he fights back, and it turns a little bit aggressive.

I pull away and push him down so he's lying down and I'm straddling him. I look down at him. He looks so hot lying underneath me like this. No wonder he likes being more dominant. Part of me wishes it was me looking up at him, but I want to burn more calories, and if I can do that by being more dominant.

I lean down, holding myself up with my arms on either side of Frank, and press my lips against his softly before pulling away and looking into his eyes. I kiss him again, but this time harder, and I slip my tongue into his mouth as soon as I'm given a chance.

We make out for about 20 minutes and it's amazing having a sense of control, although I do miss the feeling of security when Frank is in control. Even though it was 20 minutes, it feels more like 5. I guess time flies when you're having fun.

"What time do your parents get home?" Frank asks me.

"My mom gets home first, and she gets home at like 6. My dad works later. Why?" I ask.

"Well, it's only 4:30..." he says.

"And...?" I ask. I know he's probably asking for sex. It's not like I couldn't feel his boner the whole time we were making out. But it'll be funny if I pretend I don't know what he wants right now. That's right. Make him beg for it. Make him desperate.

"Well... You know..." he says, suddenly acting more shy than he usually does. The other time we had sex, which was both of our first times he wasn't this shy.

"No, I don't know," I say, grinning at him, "You'll have to tell me what you want, babe."

He's blushing more than I have ever seen him blush before and it's really adorable. I make a mental note to embarrass him more often.

"Sex. Please. I want to fuck you so bad," he mumbles out. I can understand him, but I pretend that I couldn't.

"Sorry, I didn't get that. Could you repeat it please?" I ask, smirking at him.

"Oh my God Gerard, I want to fuck you!" he says louder than before, practically yelling.

"I told you not to get too gay!" Mikey yells from downstairs, clearly overhearing at least the last part of our conversation. I can't help but giggle a little bit at this, even though it's so fucking embarrassing that my brother heard my boyfriend telling me that he wants to fuck me. Frank laughs a little too, but he looks even more embarrassed than I am.

"Did you fucking hear me that time?" Frank asks.

"I think so," I say, still laughing my ass off.

"Oh, fuck you," Frank says,

"That's the plan," I say. We both laugh but then we realise we don't have too much time because it's almost 5:00 now and my mom gets home in an hour. We'll have to do this sort of quick.

"I love you," he says.

"You're so cute when you blush," I say, which causes him to blush even more. He positions us so he's straddling me. I told you that you burn more calories if you're more dominant. But I don't want to be dominant. But you won't burn as many calories. You're still fat. You need to lose more weight. But I don't want to top Frank. You don't get the ice cream if you bottom. You won't burn enough calories to deserve it. Well, looks like I'm not getting ice cream. 

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