1. Good Partner

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Wednesday, April 6

After twelve years you would think she would be used to the calls in the middle of the night from her captain, informing her that they had caught another case. But she wasn't. Olivia Benson had been called in maybe 100 times throughout these twelve years, and each time she ached, moaned, and groaned not wanting to remove herself from her bed. After twelve years, her eyes still burned when they fluttered open and her body still craved more sleep.

But this was her job. She wouldn't have it any other way.

After taking a quick shower and slipping on her predictable black slacks and blouse, she hastily tossed her still damp hair into a low ponytail. Grabbing her badge and gun, going through her usual mental check list, she was almost out the door when her phone began buzzing on the kitchen counter. She groaned inwardly, already assuming it had been Captain rushing her.

"Captain, I'll be there in-"

"I was trying to be a good partner for once, but you're really killin me. How much longer ya gonna be, Liv?" The twang of his accent sounded through the phone. Sending a small bit of relief that it wasn't her Captain, but her partner. Elliot Stabler.

"Good partner? More like a pain in my ass. I'm on my way down," she ended the call and headed downstairs.

Night had still fallen and the streets of New York were asleep for once. Although the calls were often an inconvenience, this time of night had always been her favorite. Because for just a few hours the city was calm and quiet. Nearly everyday she had spent her time chasing down perps and helping victims.

Her days were chaotic and busy. Never calm and quiet.

So it was nice to even have just a moment to revel in the rarely harmonious city.

She stepped down from the stoop of her apartment building, and slid into the passenger seat of the squad car. Elliot greeted her by handing over a cup of coffee- black, just the way she liked it. The heat of the cup warmed her palms, not realizing how cold she really had been.

"What do we got?"

"15 year old girl shows up to the hospital in labor, a fews hours later she gets a few visitors who are also pregnant," she could tell he had been trying his hardest, but sleep was still evident in his voice. With her head leaned up against the window, she glanced over in her peripheral, turning up the corners of her mouth. "Hospital staff wants us to check it out. Something about them all being so young and pregnant didn't sit well."

"You get any sleep?"

For the past three days they had been working on yet another case, and had finally closed it the night before. It had been weeks of post spring break clean up, each day a new case file had been given to them. Leaving every squad member slammed, and working late each night. It never really bothered Olivia much, she didn't have anyone waiting for her at home. But Elliot had slowly become a concern. He actually had a family.

"No luck," he sat lazily in the driver's seat, his wrist resting on the steering wheel.

"Did you at least get to see the kids last night? Eli?" she knew to tread lightly on the subject, but found herself genuinely concerned. It was only a few weeks ago when they had been on a six hour long stakeout, when he had openly informed her that he and Kathy were separating..again. Except this time around it had been different. It sounded final.

"By the time I drove out there it was bedtime. I read him a story and tucked him in," he shrugged his shoulders, defeated. Over the years Elliot had learned to be thankful and cherish every moment with his children, never knowing when he'd get called away on a case. But when he Eli had come around, he made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let the job interfere with his childhood the way it did with his siblings. He made a promise. One he couldn't keep.

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