7. Sorry

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Wednesday, April 27

"Hey baby love," Olivia caressed the side of Cecilia's face with her index finger. She leaned over the all white crib, tendrils of her hair falling forward, framing around Cecilia's head. Her baby blues danced as Olivia spoke sweet nothings to her.

She scooped her gently into her arms, holding her over her shoulder, rubbing soft circles on her back. After almost three weeks, Olivia had finally cleared out her extra room that she used as an office, and started to create a nursery. With Elliot's help this past weekend, they had put together a crib, small dresser, and gliding rocker, shifting her life a slight bit more.

She couldn't describe it, but having Elliot around to help her was..nice. She never pondered on it for too long, but the dramatic shift in their partnership had left her speechless. Her thoughts of ever being more to Elliot were always quickly diminished by the fact that he was married, and that he was her partner. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Olivia doesn't know what changed. What has made them both so fearless and carefree about this. Allowing for everything to just be. Not stressing about labels, and work, and kids. But simply exploring and learning one another outside of work.

So she tried not to think too deeply about it. Making a promise to herself that she wouldn't run. She had spent what felt like centuries, thinking about how his hands would feel on her skin, or how her body would react with his lips on hers. She'd finally gotten a taste of what that felt like, and she wasn't going to ruin this.

She laid Cecilia in her plush swing, setting the speed to low, hoping she could get a few things done before Elliot came by in a few hours. This was his weekend with the kids, and he had them clear up until Monday morning to take them to school. Making it damn near impossible to spend anytime with Olivia. So he picked today to physically make time for her, sacrificing a few hours of sleep to stop by her place to see her.

Olivia managed to get a few loads of laundry done, wash a few dishes, and work on a few things in the nursery before Cecilia's next feeding. After finally getting her back to sleep, she had showered and gotten slightly dressed, throwing on a pair of leggings and a fitted black tee. It was almost 8, and Elliot had finally made it over, bringing dinner along with him.

She opened the door with Cecilia nestled closely to her, unable to hide how elated she had been to see him.

"I'm glad you made it," she said quietly, closing the door behind him with her free hand.

"I hope you're hungry," he placed the bags of food he had on the coffee table, and reached out towards Olivia.

"I'll watch the baby, and you go eat," he didn't give her anytime to answer, and gently tugged Cecilia from her arms.

"Elliot you just worked all day at the station, you don't have to-" he kissed her softly, and quick to get her to stop talking.

"But the thing is..I want to," she smiled, biting on her lower lip. She still wasn't used to it, and she didn't think she ever would be.

She sighed and took the bags of food with her into the kitchen, filling a plate with lo mein and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Her body shuddered when she felt the warmth of Elliot's hands wrap around her from behind. He rested his chin on her shoulder, placing soft butterfly kisses right below her ear. Her hands ran over his that were at her waist, rubbing his with her thumb.

"I missed you," he spun her around to face him, pulling her close. His kisses trailed from her neck, up along her jawline, finding her lips, and nipping at them softly.

"You're in an awfully good mood," her voice dropped, a smile spreading across her face. A laugh rumbled deep inside him, his body vibrating against hers.

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