23. the bug

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Tuesday, January 21

10 days.

10 more days until Elliot and Olivia move into their new place and begin an entirely new chapter together. She had still been in denial that he had managed to snag such a place for them, but grateful that he took a chance and got it for them. They had began preparing for their big move just a little bit after the new year, going over to her place some nights to pack and vice versa at his place. It was an exhausting process, deciding on what to keep for their new place, what to throw out, what to buy entirely brand new. They had also been debating on selling her place or renting it out since she had owned it. It was last night when they had finally finished packing up at both their places, leaving only the necessities unpacked.

Despite the grueling process of moving, Olivia was still able to work on going forward with Cecilia's adoption with Elliot. Which oddly enough, had caused her to form a relationship with Casey Novak, their ADA. Children's services wasn't exactly her profession, but she had done everything she could that night Cecilia was born so that Olivia was able to obtain temporary custody- and she had been forever grateful that she had gone to such lengths for her.

They had met for a quick lunch a few weeks ago, Casey's suggestion, wanting to catch up with Olivia after hearing about her moving forward with the paperwork. And offering to help in any way she could. After that first initial meeting, many more lunches had followed afterwards and so their friendship had begun to blossom. It was refreshing for Olivia to get the dynamic back of having a girlfriend to have adult conversation with.

It was the beginning of another work week on desk duty, and Olivia was beginning to grow tired of it. Each time they had gotten a call, she had to watch as each of her squad members paired up and went on each call. All of them including Elliot. She missed him.

"Hey baby," Elliot peeked into the small break room connected to their bullpen, and smiles when he sees Olivia eating her lunch alone at the table near a window that peeks over the city. He walks over to her and places a kiss to her forehead before taking the seat across.

"No way," she shakes her head and slaps his hand away when he attempts to take a fry from the takeout container she ate out of.

"I've been in court all day. I'm starvin'," he pouts, trying to get pity from her but she isn't having it.

"Nuh uh. I'm creating life over here. Which is an automatic win in everything," he laughs at her witty comeback. "By the way how was that?"

"Just waiting on the jury, but I think we're gonna get the verdict we want," he sighs and scrubs his hands down his face, exhaustion evident in the worry lines that have formed over the past few weeks.

"Hopefully this is the last time you'll have to be in court for a while," she pushes her plate of food over towards him, feeling sorry for him. He manages to give her a small smile and takes a fry.

"Yeah.." his voice is quiet, today's trial obviously weighing heavily on his mind. "How's the bug?" he tries for a change in topic. She smiled at the nickname he had given their baby boy a few weeks ago.

"He's good. Driving me crazy but he's good," her hand absentmindedly skimmed over the black silk blouse she wore. "My third trimester is around the corner and we still don't have a name. We can't just keep calling him the bug," he shrugs and his cell phone alerts him that he has a text message. When he pauses a beat to take a look at it, Olivia huffs. Making no effort to hide her annoyance with him already.

"I'm sorry baby, it's the Romero case. You know I'd rather-"

"Be here with me. Yeah yeah," she rolls her eyes and reaches over to snag her tray of food back from him. She knew he was doing his best in trying to pick up the slack with her not being able to go out on calls, but damn she missed him. By the time he got home they were both too tired for sex. By the time the morning came for any opportunity for alone time he was already out on a case.

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