21. Thanksgiving

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Tuesday, November 17

With each and every passing day of this pregnancy, Olivia had sworn it got harder to get up for work in the mornings. Granted, she had struggled to get out of bed before, but this baby had been sucking the life out of her. But in the best way possible, if that was a thing. Some mornings she cried a few tears. Her body had already been so achy, her breasts were swollen, and her recent headaches had been out of this world. It was Elliot who helped her get through her mornings, constantly reminding her that her body was creating life, and stronger than it ever had been.

However, this morning had been more trying than others.

"Baby, why don't you call into work today? The sitter can watch Cecilia at your place, and you can stay here and rest," Elliot watched Olivia as she sat on the floor of the room, rumbling through the bottom drawer of the dresser.

"No way. I'll just be at home laying around and being miserable. If I go to work at least I'll be distracted," she pulled out a pair of leggings and shook her head when they weren't the correct ones she had been looking for.

"Remember no stress Olivia.."

"I'm not stressed, just achy. But I'm on desk duty so it'll be fine," she moaned out of frustration. "All of my clothes that will actually fit me are at my apartment," they had been bouncing back and forth between their apartments still. It was starting to become a nuisance.

"Well if you would just move in with me.." she was kicking herself already for even saying anything. Lately, Elliot had been adamant about moving in together with the baby coming, but Olivia in a very Olivia fashion shrugged off the issue.


"I am just saying. We're going to have to talk about it sooner or later."

"How about later?" she looked up to smirk at him before reaching up. He helped her get to her feet, and ran his hand lightly over her swell peeked through the tank top she wore to bed. "Just please take me to my place before we go to the precinct?" she pouted her lips slightly, purposely running her hands over her belly to get him to agree. He shook his head and laughed slightly, stealing a kiss from her.

"You know I can never say no to you," he tugged gently on her hand, and pulled her closely to him. "God, I love you so much," his lips connected to hers, and kissed her passionately before pulling away and burying his face into her dark waves. His hands ran along her back, and she complied, wrapping her arms around his solid torso.

"Everything okay?" she pulled away slightly to get a good look at him, his sentimental remarks throwing her off. He smirked at her, the dimple in his cheek appearing.

"I'm fine- just a man in love. Can you blame me?" when he had woken up this morning and looked over at a sleeping Olivia, he had been speechless. The sheets had clung loosely around her hips, exposing her belly that showed through the tank top she wore to bed. He had thought that after seeing their baby and finding out the gender, it would all finally hit him but it hadn't. He was still in shock and awe. She was almost 16 weeks and their baby boy had been growing so much already. Watching her body changes each and every week to make room for their baby, made each morning worthwhile.

"Come on, let's swing by your place, and maybe we'll have enough time to grab some breakfast before work," he pecked the corner of her mouth and let her finish packing her last few things for work.


Wednesday, November 24

It was the night before Thanksgiving, and it would mark the first Thanksgiving the kids spent as a blended family. Olivia had been a bundle of nerves all week, wanting the holiday to be perfect- if that was even possible. For the past decade she had spent the holiday with Alex, both of them opting for take out and day drinking together. Now her best friend was gone, and she was left celebrating her daughter's first Thanksgiving without her. Olivia felt bittersweet, elated for Cecilia's first Thanksgiving, but saddened that Alex wouldn't be around for it.

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