29. Mason's Home

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Oh boy...hope you're not lactose intolerant because this chapter gets pretty cheesy.

Saturday, April 20

They'd made it home safely after getting discharged from the hospital. Olivia couldn't help but feel even more nervous than she had been the first night Cecilia had come home.

It's nearing 10 in the evening as Olivia finally got Cecilia down for bed after spending their night surrounded by family and great food. It had been a little tougher than usual, but she figured it was because Cecilia could feel there was a change happening. She knew the concept of a little brother wouldn't quite stick yet, but her clinginess tonight was warning enough that Cecilia felt a shift.

After double checking the locks and peeking in on Cecilia once again, Olivia turned in for the night. She'd made it back to the bedroom where Elliot had been with Mason, and found herself grinning from ear to ear when she walked in on them. Elliot had been asleep in bed already, with Mason swaddled into a blanket and tucked into his side. All the months of worrying about having another baby and so soon, had come down to this very moment. This was what she needed to see that they would be just fine.

She laughed lightly as she snapped a quick picture, making a mental note to add it to Mason's baby book. Olivia gently scooped up Mason and laid him in what used to be Cecilia's bassinet. She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over him, just watching him sleep. A feeling of euphoria washed over her as she watched each little breath he took. Her index finger traced lightly over the features of his face. She took in each part of him that was a little piece of her and Elliot.

"I love you. I love you. I love you," she whispered to him over and over as she placed a kiss to the top of his nose.

Olivia reached over and turned out the side lamp before climbing into bed, and rolling over until her head rested on the span of Elliot's chest. Instinctively, he pulled her closer until her leg crossed over his body. He kissed the top of her head and sighed contently before going back to sleep.

Tuesday, April 28

"Elliot!" Olivia chided when he came into the bathroom after she finished showering.

"It's not as if I haven't seen you naked before," he laughed as he came up behind her, and brought his hands to where hers held together her robe.

"Yes but that was before I pushed out a baby 4 weeks ago. My stomach is mush now," she pushed his hands away and went into the adjoining closet.

"Liv.." he followed closely behind her.

"Please Elliot just let it go," she shuffled through her dresser drawers.

"No way. Would you just look at me for a second?" he tugged on her arm and turned her towards him.

"What Elliot? What?" the irritation in her voice hadn't gone unheard.

"Do you really think I care what your body looks like?"

"I think it won't ever be the same, and since the first day you met me I've always been...skinny," her nose wrinkled at the last part. "And now- I doubt my body will ever be remotely close to what it used to be..." she stood with her clothes in one hand while the other tugged on her robe.

"Olivia, you know that never mattered to me. When I found myself falling for you it wasn't because of this. It was because of this," he tapped his finger on her chest where her heart was. "This new amazing body gave me one of the best things in this world. You carried our son for eight long months. I love every new curve," he stepped closer and cupped both sides of her face. "And I love you," he kissed her sweetly. "Please don't forget that," a smile broke across her face.

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