8. Next Step

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Tuesday, May 10

Today Olivia had taken Cecilia to her one month check up, making it the first time she went out with the baby by herself. Elliot insisted that he come along with her like he had twice beforehand, but Olivia gave him a stern no. Thankful for everything he had been doing over the past month, but deciding that it was time for her to try and do things on her own. Since the first day she arrived home with the baby, Elliot had been the one running to the store for her, and getting everything she needed. But now it was time for her to learn to do things on her own.

After shooting her text messages all morning, making sure her and the baby made it to the appointment okay. She gave in and agreed to meet him for a late lunch not too far from the pediatric office. The heat from the weekend had let up, today proving to be almost perfect. Both of them deciding on a table on the patio.

It had been weeks since Olivia had gotten the slightest bit dressed, and years since Elliot had seen her in anything but black slacks. She had worn a cream colored sundress, the top layer of it being a thin lace material. A few inches of her dress laced up to the top, making a small bow at the top swell of her breasts. His wondering eyes didn't go unnoticed, catching his eyes straying away from the baby and over to her. She didn't say anything and instead laughed to herself, happy that he at least liked the dress.

"How's our-the baby doing?" He held Cecilia over his shoulder, patting her back lightly trying to coax her to sleep. She tried her best to look over his slight slip up, biting her bottom lip trying to avoid the smile threatening to spread over her face. Olivia thought it was sweet how much he loved Cecilia and cared for her. She liked to think of her as being their baby. Not meaning he should take on the role of a father to Cecilia. But be able to share the love she knows they both have for her. Elliot had been there the day she had been born and also the day that she had lost her mother- Olivia losing her best friend. And ever since then he had quite literally been her rock and strength. Helping her take on the role of motherhood, while also grieving the loss of a friend.

Elliot was her person.

"The doctor says she's doing well. She's gaining a healthy amount of weight, and checked out alright on her physical. She's perfect!" She sat across from him beaming with pride. Over the moon that the doctor had proven her self conscious mind wrong. That she was a good mother.

"That's amazing Liv. You survived your first month," he lifted the baby with both hands, holding her in front of him towards his chest. Giving her soft kisses to her cheeks. "And you've been so good for your mama!" She couldn't explain why, but for some reason she felt the urge to cry. Olivia knew she was Cecilia's mother. Maybe not biological, but she wouldn't know her as anything else really. And to hear it out loud..it was a new feeling. One that she cautiously embraced.

"I seen you two walk in a few moments ago, and I couldn't believe what a gorgeous family you are!" An older white haired lady had walked up to their table, cane in hand. She smiled nearly from ear to ear as she looked between Elliot, Olivia, and the baby. "And she even has her father's baby blues. Ugh, so precious!" Olivia had tried to speak up, but Elliot had beat her to the punch.

"Thank you ma'am. She's certainly brought a great amount of joy into our lives," Olivia's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, shocked to hear him playing along.

"God bless you two!" She gave Elliot's shoulder a light squeeze and continued to see herself out the restaurant.

"What was that?" panic obvious in the tone of her voice.

"Oh come on Liv. Did you see how delighted she was to see us? Playin' along wasn't hurting her..or you," he gave a small smirk and continued to shower Cecilia with love and affection.

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